Monday, June 12, 2023

Comments on Time

One of my early attempts at writing in my blog.  It appears I had no direction then either.  Good to know things have not changed too much.

From Dec. 22, 2004 with a smidgen of editing.


Time is odd. 

We have this arbitrary marker of our day to day lives. "It's time to get to work". "Sorry, but I don't have time for that". And one of my favorites, "Stop wasting your/mine/our time".

How is it possible to waste something that does not exist? Or does it exist just because we think it does? Would it not be more accurate to say, "Stop wasting your/mine/our existence?

 Once again I fall back on my fascination with Time. People talk ‘bout the "Beginning of Time" and the "End of Time". Hmm. If there was a beginning, then what was before, "Non Time"? And what comes after, "No More Time"? And if so, then how do we track how long Non-Time existed before Now Time. And how long will No More Time exist?

Looking at some of the contradictory logic "Time" is based on makes me sure that there is no logic.  Time is belief based. It was created to create convenient connections between actions and non actions. The logic evolved from wishes and expectations. Just the words Infinity and Forever indicate that Time never ends. Nor did it ever start. And people believe this. The words "Eventual" and "Certainty" point us to a certain ending and people believe that also. Hmm. Makes my head hurt.

I guess all there is Descartes. Existence or non-existence. Think and you are. Don’t think and you aren’t. Time, just being an extension of our wishes and fears. It only exists because we think it does. But then according Rene here, we only exist because we think we do. Time has nothing to do with it

I could be mistaken and I probably am. But as I don't want to take up any more time punishing my head with this, I think it is time to accept Time as fact if only to make the time I have left flow a little easier.

See ya next time .................................


Only one song will work for this post. It was shortly after "Time has come today", by the Chambers Brothers came out, that Snake and I ate too many hits of Purple Microdot Acid and retired to his basement where we played this album for hours and then switched to "Are you Experienced" by Jimi Hendrix. 

It was a long night in the early 1970s that ended with Snake crumpled in a corner mumbling to the wall people and I am fairly certain I did not blink for 5 hours as I watched words form and then go poof in the glow of the one light we left on.......... All the while turned up to wow, Hendrix or the Chambers Brothers kept us grounded.

Yeah, "Time has come today" is forever embedded in my soul. Enjoy.

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