Saturday, November 14, 2015


The horrific events that unfolded in Paris yesterday find me dealing with emotions I have felt before.  Though this terrorist activity took place in a country far from here, all I can think of was how I felt after 9/11.  France has my sympathy and condolences.  There is nothing else to say.  At least, I do not know what else to say, just as I did not know what to say for several days after 9/11.

I took a break from this post and collected myself with a quick walk out in my dooryard.  The brisk air and the beautiful sunrise did not help me find my thoughts nor any peace.  Within me swirls rage, sadness, and confusion.  I want revenge.  I want to do to them what they want to do to us.  But I can't.  I am not wired that way.  And it pisses me off.

I cannot understand arbitrary acts of violence.  Especially acts of violence based on twisted views of religious doctrine.  I understand anger, but not when it results in what unfolded in Paris yesterday.

Later ....................................................


jadedj said...

With you. I just don't understand how anyone could come to the horrendous conclusion that their "god" wants them to maim and kill...innocent people...who have done them no wrong.

BBC said...

Same old shit...

The Blog Fodder said...

The violence is not arbitrary and it is not based on twisted views of religious doctrine. It is based on a very literal reading of the Quran and related scriptures and is part of a well thought out strategy to return Islam to perfectly following Sharia Law as it was written "by Mohammed".