Thursday, April 04, 2024

Nor'easter - April 4, 2024 - Part ll

It is 10 minutes to 3 in the PM. The snow that began in Acton roughly 24 hours ago is still pumping hard. When I came in from blowing a hole in the white crap, my wife informed me we are over 20 inches accumulation now, and the snow is expected to last well into tomorrow, April 5th.

I had mentioned in the earlier post of today that the town of Acton was shut down today. Then I said we will have to see how much longer. When I spotted the big pine down across the power line  at the end of my driveway, I knew Acton has been slammed. The plow guy told me our road looks like every road in town. We're gonna be awhile cleaning up from this storm.

So Anyway, I wanted to share some of the Kodak moments I was able to snap.

Snow is already sliding off the roof. This snow won't last long.

Stay warm ..................................


Here is another song from a Cohen Brothers movie; "What condition my Condition was in", by the First Edition. From the Dream Sequence in "The Big Lebowski".


PipeTobacco said...

I am just glad it is not here! We received (a paltry in comparison to you….) 7 inches of snow a week ago, and it (happily) melted away.

Snow this time of the year is so disheartening. I am sincerely hoping my region HAS received that last of it for this season, though we have sometimes had the damnable stuff even on May 1st.

Hope your snow melts FAST and without any sort of flooding.


peppylady (Dora) said...

Looks cold.

MRMacrum said...

Pipe Tobacco - Thankfully, it has only been a few hours since the precip stopped and already the snow has thawed quite a bit. As long as the power stays on, we'll be stylin.

Peppylady - More wet than cold, which does become cold eventually.