Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Proudest Monkey

According to Billy, an old Internet bud, we are all just monkeys. ..... Just a bunch of monkeys throwing shit at each other and spankin our monkeys in the tree tops. ...Hmm. .. Well maybe Billy never said it that way, but I sure as Hell think that is what he thinks of the Human Race. 

Its not like he doesn't have any proof.

Every day humans prove to anyone paying attention, that we have beaten odds we had no right to. We fool ourselves that we did this... not just survived, but look at us now, we can talk on phones we put in our pockets. 

We waste our days patting ourselves on the back and skirting any blame for the terrible prices paid to put us here. The planet is certainly not better off because of our presence. The animals on the planet are definitely not better off. And the plants, shit, the plants that sustain our air, the quality of our water, and put nutrients into our bodies are either long gone or heading in that direction.

Oh sure, we pretend to care, to give a shit. But let's face it: We're too busy playing in trees and spankin our monkeys.

So there it is, my day or two late, and dollar short Earth Day comment.

Later .............................................


There is only one song that will do. Here is "Proudest Monkey", by Dave Mathews.

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