Sunday, December 17, 2023

Simplifying Things

Ran across these two images this morning. After considering both, I realized that they nicely represent my current attitude about Religion, Trump, and the stupid things we humans get ourselves into.

The ascension of Trump to God like status for some should scare the shit out of the rest of us. The comment, "He is is to be feared above all gods", is absolutely correct. 

We think a god has an affect on our lives without tangible proof. But Trump and his policies have killed people and ruined the lives of others. His life of sleaze and evil is proof of that. He most assuredly has more real power over us than any god one might care to name.

Idolatry has never ended well. And it will continue to disappoint as long as we use it as a crutch with which to live our lives.

Frivolity, on the other hand, may hurt a feeling or two for a few moments or two, but it damn sure is a much better, safer, and fun waste of our time than mindless idol worshiping.

Be Frivolous  .........  Not Religious. 

Later Gators .......................................


Musical choice this morning is another Two-Fer.: "Why Look at the Moon", a cover of a Victoria Williams song by the Waterboys to cover the frivolous and a classic from  John Mellencamp, "Authority Song" that somewhat covers my life long mistrust of authority of any kind; .... especially organized religion.


PipeTobacco said...

Glad you are back…. sorry it requires a new computer…. damn things can be a pain. My current ancient machine is close to going belly-up, but to show you how much I dread the damnable setup of a NEW one…… this damnable old beast sat in the box for close to two years because of the dread I had in getting the files I needed off of its predecessor. I abhor trying to get important crap off an old machine and getting a new one to function comfortably.


PipeTobacco said...

Oh…. and, I’d really like to hear your ideas about the seemingly ever more probable rematch between Biden and Trump….. and the current odds of who wins…. being a toss up!

Crazy times we are living in.


peppylady (Dora) said...

Pipe hit it on head...Crazy time we are living in.

MRMacrum said...

Pipe Tobacco - Well, the "new" 'puter was not new. It was one my wife gave up on. I had our computer guy go through it, beef up the memeory and put in a new harddrive. It is new I guess though.

It's odd, but I am finding the swap from Windows 7 to Windows 10 to be the easiest transition I have gone through. I don't know why I did as you do, let it sit unused, biting at the bit, and barely able to contain itself. I tortured both of us for 2 years before the decision was made for me.

As to who I think will win the election next November ....... Well, I just cannot guess, nor will I until we are closer to voting time.

Dora - Indeed, crazy times for sure. I wonder if not every period has been crazy and I only think what is going on now is really crazy because I did not pay as close attention as I do now.

The Blog Fodder said...

I'll take the nun riding the alligator over Trump as God any day. America scares me.