Thursday, December 21, 2023

With Joe, There's Hope

An old Internet bud asked me to opine on who I thought would win the upcoming Presidential election next November. Would it be Trump or would it be Biden?

I have made a concerted effort of late to keep anything related to or about Trump to a minimum. He's on the tube 24/7. He's in our faces 24/7. We cannot escape the orange asshole. 

But I will try to answer.

My friend is serious. I know this because he is a serious man from what I can tell. He deserves some thought on my part about next November and how it might turn out.

I have tried to fight through my doubts and hesitations to come up with an answer I am comfortable with.

All I can come up with, all I can root out, all that I feel at this moment ........... 

If Trump wins, we're in for some serious fuckery, that's for sure. The only thing standing in the Orange Fruitcake's way is a clear headed and sane semi-octogenarian with a stutter, our current Prez, Joe Biden.

The way I see it is, if we do not get behind the older and smarter Not so Sleepy Joe Biden, we will have fucked ourselves. The choice is black and white, hard edged, definite, no doubt about it; we're fucked if we vote Donald back in. If we rehire Sleepy Joe, we have an even shot of pulling out of the national funk we seem trapped in.. 

It turns out, I cannot say who I think will win next November. I can only say who I know needs to win, the man who is in charge now, Sleepy Joe Biden.

More than any other issues burning at the moment, none are as important as saving us from our worst selves. We need more time to focus on addressing the Trump dilemma more than any other thing we may want to do. We need to relocate some sanity as a nation and stop pissing so hard on each other's feet.

A first step is to show the Donald the door ........ for the second time.

Keep it 'tween the ditches ..............................................................


I picked "Proudest Monkey", a song from Dave Mathews. Not sure what connection it might have to the post, but well, we are all monkeys after all, and that includes Sleepy Joe and sadly, Trump too. Enjoy!


PipeTobacco said...


I agree with you we need four more years of Biden. I am just quite concerned the tRump will wield his sinister magic and become the winner again. The polls worry me considerably as currently AT BEST Biden is even with tRump, and many show tRump with an edge in the polls. It could be a very disastrous new “Grover Cleveland” event happening before our very eyes.


Tom said...

You should provide some facts. Not a big Trump fan but who is currently running the country? It's certainly not Joe. I'm very concerned he needs a teleprompter to make it through a speech. Then he reads his prompts that tells me he is not "with it" mentally. Not to mention falling down and the ghost hand shakes. It's sad we have the President we currently have with Joe Biden. Joe promotes a weak presence for the United States and as evidenced with the two war fronts we have going on now. Not to mention his passion for Palestine and Iran; which hate the United States. I really don't understand why you would want more of this. Trump may not be the answer but it is better than four more years of Joe's incompetence.

One from Ukraine said...

Greeting to you, and all. Happy New Year... still.

Forgive me my interest. But for at least... you know that it have solid base, isn't it?

Well... many-many people interested in "Wut about tRump?" in nowadays. All around World.

So. To make it more pointed -- what so BAD happened... while tRump WAS president? To justify such an over-excited reaction to him going back? And isn't it shooting own leg(for Dems) -- to give him SO MUCH audacity???

From Ukraine's point of view -- it's No-brainer. Under tRump... there was NO war of RFia against us!

While under Biden... there was Lend-Lease -- by which was NONE,NADA,NOTHING sent to Ukraine... not even ONE bullet. And now it over.
And there was "Ukraine? They do not need airplanes."... while Ukraine's towns and troops bombed into the ground...

The Blog Fodder said...

I see your troll is back spewing bullshit. He hit my blog too. So many innocent Ukrainians killed and this guy is unscathed.
I agree with you, I cannot bet the farm on who will win but certainly knw who I am hoping for.

One from Ukraine said...

\\I see your troll is back spewing bullshit.

Yeah... calling Ukrainians, who suffered from Nazis probably the most (Ukrainian Jews killed, alongside of all other inhabitants, war that raged on territory of Ukraine, both Nazi and Commie gestapo and NKVD purges and etc, etc, etc)... "nazis" -- is not bullshit??? And not repeating after Hitler of nowadays propaganda???

Revealing Historical Truth -- that is "bullshit-talking" and "trolling".

That is people LIKE YOU... are reason that killing of Ukrainians continues.

MRMacrum said...

Pipe Tobacco - I am doing my best to not pay attention to hysteria the media is hyping. I will hope Biden carries the day and then maybe we can rid our country of Trump for good.

Tom- I should proved some Facts? You are a funny guy, especially given your insistence that Biden is a worse choice than the village idiot and word salad master. Oh and yeah, there's all the indictments that range from just average evil to actions that make him a traitor. My dog would make a better president than Trump.

And in the meantime you tell me I should provide facts...... On an opinion piece? LOL!

One from Ukraine - "To make it more pointed -- what so BAD happened... while tRump WAS president? Trump totally screwed the pooch on Covid and thousands more Americans died than should have. His policies caused the National Debt to balloon from $19.9 Trillion to almost 28 Trillion when he and the Republicans gave the Rich tax breaks. He stole and coveted top secret documents. He was responsible for Jan. 6 insurrection. He was the cause Roe v Wade was overturned and now women are being thrust back to days of back alley abortions. He is a dumber than a box of rocks and he likes Putin and several of the "strong man" autocrats in Europe and elsewhere.

Blog Fodder - Yeah, I was able to deal with "One from Ukraine" up to recently. I am probably going to start deleting his posts.

One from Ukraine said...

Thank you for your thoughtful response.

I see, that it was foolish of me, as foreigner, to ask about such inner political matters.

I would not like foreigners to talk about my country too. Sorry.

It's just... your media and news feeds made it SO audacious... for all World.

And well, it looks like matters to all World too...