Monday, August 28, 2023

99 Words on Weather

Yesterday, Jacki Sue in Texas, mentioned on Facebook she was enjoying a rainstorm for the first time in months.

Comments from other mid-western areas and one from California talked about droughts and intense temperatures that plagued their locales.

I made no comment. I just couldn’t.

Summer in Maine has been different, but not as different as elsewhere in the country. Temperatures and humidity are higher, but tolerable. If anything, we have had more rain this summer than usual. My basement had water in it until mid-July.

Mother Nature’s capricious use of her wrath just proves Life is not fair.


The first tune I checked out was my only choice. It's the video that really makes the tune work. Here is an instrumental by Annemieke van Leeuwen. It is called "Mother Nature's Anger".


Nan said...

Similar conditions here in the U.P. It's been cool and comfortable. No drama, no extremes. The worst we've experienced is some irritating smoke from Canada and not much of that.

PipeTobacco said...

You had standing water in your basement until July?!?! Didn’t it cause mold?


amidnightrider said...

Every time I see a post of yours I am reminded of how far back we go with our blogs. When I merged from blogspot to WordPress, I lost track of many of those I had regular conversations. It's always good to read your posts.

MRMacrum said...

Nan - Yes, we both seem to be weathering the current climate changes better than others.
But then I look at what is happening below the fold here in Maine. Along with the an increased avg water temp, the Gulf of Maine is now home to one of the largest algae blooms in the world. The overall effects are yet to be seen. But it ain't good. The warmer winters are beginning to change our local plant life cycles and migration cycles.I have noticed it here in my yard. The English ivy that is pervasive on on side of the house used to never grow higher than a couple of feet. It could not handle the winters. The same goes for the small patch of poison ivy in the back of the property.

Pipe Tobacco - There is some mold every summer, but it is usually minimal. The dry heat of the furnace in the basement keeps it reined in. It's an older house, so some mold is to be expected. The kitchen and dining room end is at 75 to 85 years old and it is over a crawl space.

amidnightrider - You are one of my early blog mates. We do go back. It is great to hear from you.

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