Sunday, August 06, 2023

Should Moms Be in Charge

 From the Book of Genesis via

So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man (Adam), and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” (Genesis 2:21–23)

According to the tale of Mankind's creation as set down in the Holy Bible, God first created the heavens and our planet along with all its vegetative and geological knick knacks. He followed up with the creation of all the animals before he created the first being who would run this planet. Of course that being would be a man as it would be created in God's image because that was what God was looking at in his mirror at the time. This explains why Adam had to be white, male and modestly endowed with the appropriate equipment to spawn a species. 

God is represented as masculine. After all, men ran Heaven, so too it shall be on Earth. Besides, a woman could not have competently run this paradise. Women were created to be Man's bitches, serving his needs and bearing his children because well, God did not give women the intelligence needed to tame a world. Those abilities he bestowed on Adam and the men who would spring forth from his loins. Women bore offspring and kept the place tidy.

Hmm ...........................

As a man, I should be nodding my head here while I clean my Glock, chew on home cured jerky and tug at my crotch. Had I been raised in certain churches, I would have viewed this explanation of the universal power flow chart as logical and well thought through. Women were yucky and God knew what he was doing.

As it turns out ..............

I was raised by lazy WASP Episcopalians, who did their Christian duty to at least expose me to Christianity during my formative and pre-teen years.I was then set free to go it alone. Because of this, I spent some confusing years trying to balance the Evil I saw in the world against the notion of a benevolent Christian God who loved us because, well, he was our father ferchrisakes.

My first realization that the Good Book was full of shit was the notion that men should dominate the planet. In my family, my mother gave as good as she got. She made sure I knew that a woman's place should probably be a step ahead of men rather than the token step or two behind they had finally risen to in the 20th century.

The following fifty years have proven to me that if the Bible is Truth and God put our lives in the hands of Men, then God was/is an idiot. I am positive we would have had a much less painful evolution as a species if Moms had been in charge. 

Happy Sunday and please, at least on this seventh day, keep it 'tween the ditches ............


I have been wanting to use a tune by The big Push, a group from over the pond. Their front man and leader I guess is a fellow named Ren. They began as a busking band in Brighton,UK and now their music is everywhere. Sadly, Ren left the group I think and maybe at the same time he was bitten by a tick and came down with a vicious version of Lyme Disease.  I hear he is making music again.

Here a two-fer - Big Push with their cover of  "Praise You", by Fatboy Slim. And to just fill anyone interested on the song's roots, here is the original"Take Yo Praise", written and recorded by Camile Yarborough in 1975. 

1 comment:

peppylady (Dora) said...

Some time google and ask how many ribs does a human have. The answer was interesting. It blows or put different angle on the biblically text.
Coffee is on, and stay safe.