Tuesday, December 15, 2020


For years I have had various ideas, observations and considerations float in and around the smoldering wreckage in my mind. Most often I don't really notice them other than a quick acknowledgement and then let them die in the swamp out back. But have enough "what if's", "what about's", and "only if's" pass by, eventually I was bound to stop everything and go, "Yeah, What about that?"

In the last four years, the notion of Fear and its pervasive, insidious grip on our national psyche has consistently been up front and in my face. America and yes, even a large charge of the World's population live every day in fear of something catastrophic ruining their day, their lives, their existence. Irrational fear that often cripples them and makes them prone to grasping any slim chance to escape the unknown and non-existent tragedy coming at them at warp speed. That makes for fertile ground where liars, scammers, and purveyors of Righteous Indignation ply their evil trades. Humans love to be afraid.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was right when he said "All we have to fear is fear itself." Yet we have conveniently forgotten this basic truth. Meeting a challenge head on is certainly better than meeting one with doubts swirling around and poisoning our resolve.

I am not immune to fear. I have my favorites I pull up on occasion to fill that void when despair seems lacking. And while I wallow in my fears, I know it is a useless and destructive endeavor that is bound to not bring me closure, satisfaction or even gratification of any kind. Simply put, fear is a colossal waste of my time, as it is for most folks unless they are chained to wall with a greasy one eyed prison guard approaching them as he rubs his hands and declares, "We gonna have some fun tonight."

After reading my above scrawling on fear, my quiver of fear is again empty for the moment. I sit here a rational and clear headed man who knows that beating fear is more than half the battle. Yet part of me is already jonesing for more fear to replace that fear I just purged. I feel like an MC Escher painting looks. I keep climbing those steps and never leave the basement.

Keep it tween the 'ditches .......................................


The Blog Fodder said...

Dear is better at selling ideologies, sex is better at selling things. Except guns.

The Blog Fodder said...

Fear damn autocorrect

Kulkuri said...

I've had enough shit happen in my life that not much scares me. Things seem to work out one way or another, sometimes not like I'd like, but it works out.

What gets me is how con-servatives are scared shitless of almost everything and if you point it out they get pissed at you! Their fear has a flavor-of-the-month type of thing. Terrorist, immigrants, BLM, etc...

PipeTobacco said...

If I were to think about it too much, I think feat would consume me. I hate that about myself. And sometimes I do let fear get the better of me, but you are right and Roosevelt’s saying is what I try to always remember.

My fears are not the political bullshit that some have been feeling these last four horrendous years, but tend to be more personal. My pipes and pipe tobaccos served me well for a lot of years as a fun and enjoyable mental diversion that would often distract me mentally during times of worry... and in some aspect that is why I still miss them dearly (amongst a helluva lot of other reasons). I still once in a while think about trying marijuana to see if it would be an enjoyable diversion..... but I tend to worry that perhaps I would like it so much that it would become its own problem for me.... but I am still contemplating maybe giving it a try. Who knows. :)

I am glad you are writing again occasionally, Mike. I would enjoy seeing more writing because I find what you write to be meaningful.


Nan said...

Fears or phobias? I tend to be claustrophobic and heights terrify me, but is that truly fear? I don't spend time obsessing about avoiding caves or cliffs so does it count if it doesn't affect me day to day?

yellowdoggranny said...

I shot the last thing I was afraid of..so ..keep em coming..