The following is a post I placed on my Facebook page. A Facebook bud from Texas decided to ignore its thrust and attempt to criticize me for criticizing my own race. Not sure he meant it, but he completely lost my point when he posted a silly image in the comment section.
My post ran like this....
"The years under my belt have turned me into a cynic. The trend of White Exceptionalism has taken many hits over the years and yet it is still with us, buried even deeper within the systems White Folks created to mask its existence.
Every decade or so minority anger has flared up. White
platitudes and empty promises of reform only amounted to the echoes of those
promises blowing out to sea.
When I am wearing my cynic's jacket I often wonder why we
should consider this time any different. Promises spewed from the lips of our
leaders have never lived up to their hype.
But then my anger at leadership's inability to bring about
real change diminishes and I become hopeful once more that maybe this time it
will be different.
Hope does indeed spring eternal. I am proof of that."
I was saddened to realize that not only did he not get my point, his focus on race pride was even more disturbing. My message being lost as he knee jerked himself to defend the "White Race" told me many of us White Folks are being deliberately and willfully ignorant.
Unless someone reminds me, accuses me, or I look in a mirror, I rarely think of myself as a member of any race. My racial curse or my racial blessing means less than nothing to me. And until it means nothing to everyone else on the planet, no matter their race, religion or ethnic ancestry, this country, this world will continue on its way as a crippled species that cannot get out of its own way.
Hate the haters, don't hate the victims ................................. Later Gators.
Very happy to see you back here!
Very good. Well said. When everyone can choose to forget their race then and only then are we free from racism.
Americans need to get over racial divides. We are moving toward a multi-cultural society, regardless of who likes or dislikes it; and it make take a couple of generations to die in order to achieve it. But, it is here to stay.
However, it is the nature of the human animal, as well as our close relative ape cousins, to display hostility to those not in our own group. There will always be closeted reserve to the 'Others not like us' be it race, religion, culture, alliances, etc.' It is our nature.
the Ol'Buzzard
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