Well Maine did its best to keep a wannabe Republican from winning the Democratic Primary here in Maine. Bernie won my town Acton, 109 to Biden's 85. Yes, Status Quo Joe had a good day. Super Tuesday has to be a disappointment to Bernie and crew. In the long run it matters not as long as the Democrats can pull everyone together to drop Trump like a bad habit come November 3rd.
And so it goes. The corporate establishment running the Democratic Party finally pulled their heads out of their asses and fell back on the time honored "smoke filled back room dealing" that worked so well in the past. I am not sure what was promised to whom, but the sudden departure from the race of Mayor Pete and Klobuchar just before Super Tuesday smelled of that kind of dealing. If Biden wins the nomination, something tells me one of them will be his running mate. Though I think Warren would be better controlled if she was his VP and not running around loose in the Senate.
And then Biden rewarded Beto for his support with a promise he will be in charge of Biden's Gun Control efforts. The old dog tricks at work. Almost makes me tear up. The smoke is really starting to billow out of those back rooms.
Of course I cannot prove, nor do I wish to prove these old school political machinations. It is what politics are based on. Deals behind closed doors that will placate the real power behind politics, Big Money.
There used to be some balance between those who ran the Capitalist/ Business side of things and those who ran the country from the various seats of power scattered hither and yon. Sensible Capitalists had been taught the hard way back in the early part of the 20th century that unbridled Capitalism ends up being counter productive to not only the people whose labor they depended on but in the long run, their own bottom line as well.
The progress this country made starting with Teddy Roosevelt and his campaign to break the strangle hold of monopolies to his cousin FDR's success in establishing social programs convinced the Capitalists of the 50's, 60's and 70's that a Progressive agenda and money grubbing could coexist nicely. The uncomfortable alliance held right up until the Reagan dynasty. That is when unfettered greed took over. It has been downhill ever since.
Blinded by their avarice and bulging pockets, the money grubbers will pay a price. They always do. At some point serfs will show up at their front gates and they won't be asking anymore, they will take what they feel is owed.
Later .....................................
Texas is still fucking red..but I do have a new tshirt that says fuck you trump you fuckin' fuck..Iz happy.
I still maintain hope for Sanders but will vote for Biden in November if he is the nominee. Hopefully next week will be better for Bernie.
Anybody but Trump. Right now 'the same o same o' looks pretty good to me.
Capitalism stays alive because it trickles down in the Senate and House.
The rest of the world seems to be able to pay for universal health care; but we can't find the money. Of course we spend more on our military than the next five largest militarized countries combined.
the Ol'Buzzard
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