Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Old Dogs in a New Year

I thought I had reinforced my reasons for leaving social media for the past two months. Apparently not. This morning I was purposefully bypassing any news of the Nation or the World as has been my habit these past couple of months. Inadvertently, my old arthritic forefinger accidently punched up the wrong headline on my smartphone. I guess these smartphones are only smart when the user is. Anyway, the headline read:

" Trump will not rule out Force to take Panama Canal, Greenland "

Suddenly, I was again faced with the Insanity that now passes for Reality. It continues unabated and is accepted now as normality. I had tried to make the world go away by ignoring it. The World does not disappear by covering eyes and shoving earplugs in ears. The World is like Shingles ....... It just doesn't care. It will do what it does no matter what we puny humans do.

It was somewhat disheartening that my 2 months of pouting petulance went unnoticed. But I am used to being ignored now after 72, almost 73 years on the planet. What I hoped I guess, was that I might have come out of my two month coma and awakened to a world with a different Reality. 

My hopes dashed, I realized it is always and will always be SSDD. (Same Shit-Different Day)

Regardless, I am back and will do my best to stay back and somewhat better tempered.

Keep it 'tween the ditches .............................................


Not sure why I picked "Can't find my way Home", by Blind faith for this post. Maybe the memories of being lost in a substance abuse fog when I was 18 years old came to mind and I realized I was again, lost in a unreality fog, only this this time not self induced.

It was in summer of 1970. I was sticking needles in my arm and on a serious trip down a drain some of my friends at the time did not make it out of whole, if at all. 

I remember coming aware one morning sharing a raunchy couch in Snake's basement after partaking in a an all night party of injecting pharmaceutical Methedrine and then hitting up back alley Smack to bring us back to earth. I hit so much Meth, I thought my heart was going to explode. Scared the shit out of me. I was listening to Blind Faith and "Can't find my way home" came on. ............ I realized I had hit a rock bottom of some kind.

Later that morning when my brain had cleared, I walked out to Old Georgetown Road in Bethesda, Maryland, stuck out my thumb and hitchhiked home to Maine. And just like these past few months, I hunkered down in my attic room and detoxed. Only this time, hunkering down did not work....... 

Oh Well.

Just to add a strong exclamation point to my re-entry into Reality, here is Bruce Hornsby and his song that slaps the fantasy right out of me every time I hear it. Here is "The Way it is". Damn, this guy can play piano.