Monday, September 16, 2024

Eating Cats & Dogs

“If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do.”

       JD Vance ~ Sept 15, 2024

Nine plus years of Trump and his drooling minions polluting the political discourse has made what were once unforgiveable actions by politicians nothing but mainstream, everyday stupidity that America has now learned to ignore. 

The question I ask now is how did and why did we allow this kind of sleazy bullshit poison our politics? I was outraged when I saw the Right fall in line with the lies, accusations and hate that Trump pandered as the new "Alternative Facts" starting in 2015. And now we do not even blink an eye when he comes up with and then doubles and triples down on a lie that is racist and blatantly false. Targeting immigrants who are here legally and are also black is never okay, yet Trump and his butt sucking sidekick, JD Vance have no problem spewing their vile lies about them on a daily basis.

JD Vance's justification for creating lies to somehow bolster his campaign to enlighten America to his twisted vision of where we are only reinforces the lack of substance his and Trumps claims have. If they admit to making up lies to support their previous lies, what are we to think about their over all attitude about Americans. They are playing us for chumps and sadly, a large number of us are drinking their swill, and even helping to push their hate and discontent. Many, if not most know their plans are based not on helping the country but helping the few assholes who own them. They just do not care.

It is so easy to place all the blame on Trump. But the gutless enablers of the Right are really to blame. They allowed this slimy asshole to take over their party; this monster they now cannot control. They have allowed Trump to ruin the GOP by turning the party into an anti-democratic group bent on establishing an Authoritarian State in place of the Representative Democracy we currently enjoy.

If Trump wins this November, as Jackie Sue so frequently says, "We're Fucked!

Meanwhile, do your best to keep it 'tween the ditches ..........................


I found a list of Anti - Trump Blues tunes. It was hard to pick a favorite. After checking them all, I decided on the Rick Estrin & the Night Cats tune, "Dump That Trump".  


1 comment:

The Blog Fodder said...

JDV tells a deliberate lie, yet the media repeats it. The fact it is denied by the mayor and that the so called video proof about geese was an althgether normal circumstance in another town has made no difference to Trump, Vance or the MAGAts. Xitter just makes me ill, ther i s so much willful ignorance there.
50 days left and it will get so much worse