Friday, November 17, 2023

My Non-Apology Apology to Taylor Swift

Right out of the gate and before I get started on this post, I would like to extend a pre-apology for anything I end up writing that might disturb, bother, or somehow insult anyone who happens to read what I write here today. ............ Of course I don't mean it, but maybe someone somewhere will think more kindly of me because I made a gratuitous attempt to garner their favor. Call it a non-apology apology.

I am an old fart who actually has some Internet game, having been active here in the byte filled internet ether for coming up on 30 years. 

( Question- is it "on the Internet" or 'in the Internet"? For some reason today, I don't like either version, ...Uh, well never mind; in the scheme of what is important, nothing I post or questions I may ask amount to anything more than adding to the infinite amount of wasted bandwidth that is Humanity circle-jerking each other on the Internet. )

Newsgroups of the 1990's got me involved in the emerging world of Social Media. It was the barrage of insults that were traded back and forth that hooked me. I just loved swapping "Yo Momma" barbs with strangers I did not know. 

As the World Wide Web expanded its influence, social media pressures from outside our protected little bubbles began to seep in and disturb our lives. Before we could say "What the Fuck", some clown, or group of clowns on the other side of the planet were forcing their ideas and thoughts into our own. 

Some folks claim it is good to have our world views challenged. That is probably true. But today, many of the interactions end up being just some asshole or group of assholes venting their bitter, hateful judgments of folks they don't know and will never ever care to know. It's much easier to be mean to a stranger.

Now 25 years later, I am supposed to worry about what people outside my own circle jerk think about how I conduct my life. I am supposed to be concerned about the feelings I hurt, the criticisms I make, and the lack of respect of the Human Race my time on the Internet has taught me. I tried to care, show some concern or at least some empathy. When there was no reciprocation in kind, I shrugged it off and stopped trying to always be civil.  

Individually, almost every person I have met face to face has shown me they are most days, decent and caring human beings. But give someone a smart phone, a PC, or "gasp", an iPad and the game of interacting can become ugly in a heartbeat. The ability to hide behind the anonymity of a computer keyboard allows even nice folks from down the street to become ugly, hateful personas who never have to face the repercussions of their previously buried acrimonious hostile feelings.

Allow people to hide their identities and the result can and often is an Internet cauldron of ugly, nasty, and false accusations that are always simmering and not so occasionally, will boil over and fire up large numbers of idiots for no good reason other than their feelings were hurt or their dignity was compromised, their manhood questioned, or maybe worst of all, they perceive someone has disrespected their favorite celebrity. 

Nothing brings down a barrage of vitriolic condemnation faster than when someone writes something like,"Taylor Swift music is nothing special Pop Music dribble." ( stay tuned to see if I get shit about this joke, not joke I just made)

Out here in the real world I used to just laugh at the over the top activities of people who cannot go with the flow when interacting with others. But now, with the Internet, the sad, the  angry, and the insane have found a louder voice and formed larger groups of like minded losers who preach their venal hatred or condemnations to each other so much, it becomes an orgy of judgmental hate and discontent; the result being about hating and condemning without rhyme or reason. 

I refuse to be anonymous on the 'Net. Being open about who I am creates a check to my occasional desire to be an asshole to a stranger. I was taught better. I was taught to assume the best in people until they opened their mouths and threw "best" right out the window.

For me, being honest as I can about who I am and how I feel wipes out any guilt I may have if I hide behind a false identity. I wish more of us did that.

Keep it 'tween the ditches ............................


Music, Music, Music,............. This part of my posts sometimes is the hardest part of the post; finding a tune that fits the words, or at least has something in common like a vowel or color.

Well,, fuckin wow, wow, WOW!

I figured since I had voiced an uninformed opinion regarding Taylor Swift's music in the post, I owed her  at least a shot at redeeming herself and proving me wrong.

I googled "Taylor Swift song about how the Internet sucks." What popped up immediately in milli seconds was "You Need to Calm Down".  

I don't know enough about Taylor Swift to make any judgement regarding her music, yet that is exactly what I have done. This song tells me I will have to actually check her music out before I open my pie hole again. 

How's that for a non-apology apology?


Nan said...

One of the worst things to happen to the Internet was businesses like AOL encouraging people to create user names that allowed anonymity. As you note, it's really easy to be a complete asshole when no one knows who you are.

Kulkuri said...

Been trying to copy and paste and failing the meme, "I can understand your anger at me, but what do you have against the horse I rode in on?"

MRMacrum said...

Nan - Allowing anonymity certainly sets up most conversations with a sharper edge.

Kulkiri - LOL! That is so on target. Excellent.

PipeTobacco said...

Hmmm…. overall, I still TRY to be as civil in on-line interactions as I do in “real” life. But when you read some of the vitriol it can be hard. Fewer folks are as vitriolic in “real” life, as you suggest.

While I think some current music is interesting, and yes, that would include some of the Taylor Swift I have heard students play…. on the whole, for me, most contemporary popular music seems basically quite bland. For me, I believe it stems from the dramatic decrease in instrumentation in popular music (much is a small loop of synthesized sound repetitively played, or even less appealing to me…. mostly percussive sounds).

In all the years I have known you, I have never heard you mention positively or negatively the music of Jethro Tull (Ian Anderson). If you are willing, what is your opinion? I ask because Jethro Tull came back into my mind after a several year absence of not hearing any of their work….. but a chance playing of a snippet of part one of their songs brought back a lot of memories…. good ones for me regarding the interesting instrumentation.


MRMacrum said...

Pipe Tobacco - I generally feel the same as you; at least, until recent times since I have been adding a tune or two to my posts. The rule I made for myself was to not become trapped into only using music or bands I have always liked. I forced myself to explore outside the comfort of my own music box.

I have discovered that instead of still thinking all the good music has been created, artists are constantly creating wonderful new music all the time. Now I wonder if I have enough years left to taste it all.

You mentioned I had never brought up Jethro Tull. I was sure you were wrong. But then I realized you are probably right.I have no explanation for that. I fell in love with their music after I bought their first album, "This Was" out of the back of that traveling music shop van in the summer of 1968. I paid $1.50 for it.

They were one of the bands I always wanted to drive for but didn't. I did however catch them in concert more than a few times.

The Blog Fodder said...

It costs nothing to be nice. Of course it costs nothing to be an asshole on the internet either.
I do not deal well with trolls Trumpers or evangelicals. Sometimes I troll back. Sometimes I block them. Usually I hope they block me.

Anonymous said...

\\Nan - Allowing anonymity certainly sets up most conversations with a sharper edge.

Some say... it makes people to be just more honest about themself. ;-)