Thursday, February 11, 2021

Three Monkeys

So here we are only a few days into Trump's SECOND impeachment trial and already some Republicans are morally outraged that this shit show continues to move along just nicely, thank you very much. 

My main man, Lindsey Graham, is living Life like he means it and sitting on top of his horse called Righteous Indignation.  Isn't he the cutest when he's angry and on his high horse at the same time?  You can tell that butt plug is in just the right place.

Lindsey's two compadres, Senators Hawley and McConnell, have pulled from their quivers of political stupidity, two different approaches to deal with this SECOND impeachment trial of His Royal Majesty, Donald J. Trump, Grand Ruler, and God's All Around Right Hand Guy.

Sen. McConnell is favoring the "lie like a rug and act amenable to whatever those evil Democrats are cooking up" shtick. He believes wool has been pulled over their eyes.  And since it has worked in the past, there is no reason to believe it won't this time.  Those silly Democrats are nice guys but surely just a bunch of chumps.

Sen. Hawley is utilizing the "I have watched, I have listened, and I see no case here" strategy.  Nevermind the fact he did not watch the videos offered up by the house managers and appeared to either be asleep or in Zombie mode when a Democrat stood to speak.  No, his mind was not made up before this trial.  Riiiiiight.

As it turns out, or how it probably will turn out, Trump will skate again.  I would be all upset and teary eyed over this except that:

  • Trump will be the only President to have gone through two Impeachments.
  • The Republicans have to put their names on a vote that will live long after their sorry asses are dead and gone.
  • The involvement of Christian Insurrectionists in the Jan. 6 fiasco brings the whole notion of Dominion and Theocracy under a new and brighter light. Contrary to what they profess, the Dominionists don't like the Light.  They prefer to wiggle and giggle around in the dark slime oozing free in dark corners of ancient Biblical basements.
  • No matter what, Trump will find it hard to find work anywhere, even as a dog catcher.
  • And finally, by their continued insistence on protecting Trump, it looks even more possible that the GQP will go down with their master. Good Riddance.
Keep it 'Tween the Ditches ..........................................................


amidnightrider said...

Queen Lindsey is at it again.

Ol'Buzzard said...

I think I saw Senator Hawley cleaning his toe nails during the video presentations. I believe it was turning Lindsey on.
the Ol'Buzzard

Nan said...

If Republicans in general had, as my grandmother loved to say, the brains that God gave a goose they would seize this golden opportunity to jettison Trump. Instead they cling to that human turd like he's the only who knows where the Lost Ark of the Covenant is stashed. They are so slavish toward their ever dwindling base it's unreal. Putin must have given the Donald one helluva stash of goat pictures to use for intimidation tactics. There is no sane reason to keep Cheetolini as titular head of the Republican party other than blackmaiil.

peppylady (Dora) said...

This is so damm scary. Some time down road could we get anther Fuhrer in, such as Ted Cruz.
Coffee is on and stay safe

yellowdoggranny said...

I'd like to be locked in a room with Mitch and Graham..I have one good asskicking left in my body and I am pretty fucking sure shit would be kicked out of both them fuckers.