Monday, April 06, 2020

Screaming Fire in a Crowded Theater

I am in a quandary as to why some Trump official idiot decided to add fuel to the panic fire of Covid-19 by warning us that this week will be "our Pearl Harbor Moment"?

Okay, I get it that this week could be some kind of peak and that we should acknowledge the possibility of a worse week than last week.  But if the absolute lack of real knowledge shown so far is any indication, the so called experts are working with incomplete data and best guesses based on previous situations that do not cleanly dove tail with Covid-19.

Use of common sense seems the only accurate advice we have.  Stay the fuck home.  Keep people away and sit tight.

What really bothers me is the use of the term, "Pearl Harbor Moment".  Covid-19 was not a sneak attack.  The Trump administration saw it coming and did next to nothing to address it in the absolute crucial early stages. They even called it a hoax.  But, if we have any faith in our outrageously expensive and massive intelligence industry, someone in government had to know about Covid-19 at least by mid to late December of 2019.   Some analyst nerd buried deep in the bowels of Fort Meade or Langley, VA was watching this and writing reports back then.  If they weren't, we should shit can the whole intelligence network.

To assign a term like "Pearl Harbor Moment" in my opinion is trying to subliminally place in our minds that they, the Trump administration,  were caught with their pants down.  They weren't, but the citizens were.

The term "Pearl Harbor Moment" should have never left the lips of the Trump lackey who used it.  The Media should not have latched onto it as a "sky is falling" moment.  What I like to see from our leaders, including the press, is factual transparency and deliberate calm without hyperbole that amounts to screaming "Fire" in a crowded theater.

Maintaining calm wherever possible is almost more important than the pandemic itself.  We will live through this.  But how we act while it is here is what will determine much of what we end up with in our future.

Later ...........................................................


The Blog Fodder said...

Good marketing though not a good analogy. I don't understand the panic but then I don't live where the dead wagons come round at 7 am to collect the bodies either.
Stay safe, my friend

PipeTobacco said...
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PipeTobacco said...

tRump changes his tune more often than he changes his condom.... and he uses a helluva lot of them so he can remain STD free. We are in a situation that calls for careful adherence to best science practice and we have the most anti-science, anti-logic president we have ever had.


peppylady (Dora) said...

King Donnie the idiot was doing a crappy job in past and in present time he still doing a crappy job.

-blessed b9, Catalyst4Christ said...

Take-off thy beard, pops...
and then you'll be able to
VitSee with clarity: the
whorizontal has infected
your vision of Jesus (dont
call MrT anything unless you
take the plank outta your eye).
Dont understand, ignorant mortal?
Looky this:
TurnOrBernie blogspot com