I watched Joe Biden on The Daily Show. He's a likable guy who I really think does the best he can at being candid as any politician can. After all, all of them seem hardwired to lie, waffle, and misdirect - even the good ones. But I think his explanation of why it was so imperiative we save the financial industry fell short because he had no real explanation why the help was not spread around to the folks whose money these clowns have stolen from us. Something about how we would be in a full blown depression now if we did not keep the wing tip crowd fat and happy. Like what we are experiencing right now at ground level is not so close the only difference is in how they spell it. Somehow, calling this a recession will make me feel better.
I don't fuckin feel better. As a matter of fact, I just found out the last nail may have been pounded into my business. And it pisses me off. My ARC loan, supposedly funded by my government, fell through. A measley $35,000 to keep a local business going and the bank shut me down.
I have fuckin had it.
(203 / 12,303)
Oh Mike.. (((Hugs)))
I'm so very sorry. I hope that this DOESN"T mean the end of your business.
This has been a shitty day for almost everyone for one reason or another. You've got the best reason for being upset though...
I saw that interview last night as well. I noticed he side stepped Jon's question about giving the money to the people to pay off debt instead of the banks...
Again, I'm hoping the best for you and sending all the positive vibes and hope I can. I really hope that you can somehow make it though all of this.
You know where I am if you need to vent. Feel free....
Sorry to hear that, I feel for you, man.
I am very sorry you did not receive the loan. A good person with a real business like yourself should be assisted FAR MORE readily than a company like AIG or the various insurance schemes that call themselves corporations.
Sometimes it seems that nothing is worth any effort anymore,
I'm so sorry Mike.
The powers-that-be use soldiers as props, and they use the small businessman as a prop. Until it comes time to write the checks. Of course, all you do is actual, verifiable work and not something truly important like gaming the system to funnel even more loot to the top 1% of fuckers. Exhibit #49,345,221 of why this nation can be such a joke.
Sorry to hear about your business.
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