Maybe a heart wrenching piece of overcoming insurmountable odds would work. But again I came away with nothing. No Republican had managed to elevate themselves past their single digit IQs this day. They were still too busy trying to beat back those bullies from the left side of playground. It's not being paranoid if they hit you back.
So I searched for some heartwarming cute animal story. The perfect pet hero piece where Fido saves a group of Nuns from certain death as he grabs the wheel of the nun bus and steering it with his teeth saves them after Sister Mary Agnes fainted immediately following a multi mooning by a bus full of high school football players on their way back from the State Championship.
But no. No luck. Just the usual corruption, suicide bombing, starving children, mud sliding, mudslinging, moose loose on Main Street type boring stuff I read about everyday.
I was about to give up and head to the always something hilarious to write about Free Republic site when I spotted this headline -
Peruvian police: Gang killed people for their fat
Alright! Now we're cooking with gas. Something I could get my teeth into. Quirky reality that I do not think even Hollywood could have made up. So I opened the link and the facts of this bizarre crime story were even stranger than I could imagine. And it was odd that this story came on the heels of my recent viewing of "Turistas" on the IFC channel. Once again reminding me there are no coincidences.
I won't spoil it for you, but just let me say this real horror drama involving Peruvian cops, depraved criminals seeking to profit from the drippings of human fat combined with a generous dose of headless torsos hanging over candles will creep you out if for no other reason than knowing this really happened.
Boy, do those South Americans know how to party.
Keep a light on....................
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I never cease to be amazed at stories of human depravity!
Well you know we won't be seeing that movie anytime around the time of the Olympics in Brazil.
As for the fat vampires I have little to worry about there.
Holy smokes!
Remind me to stay out of Peru! They'd have a field day hanging me from a tree...
I'm amazed at what people will do to each other...
Too bad it wasn't in Brazil, I bet the gang would have been composed of babes in bikinis, or maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part.
I'm just glad our species refuses to disappoint. Good on you, homo sapiens!
Actually, Hollywood came close to this plot. The two main characters in Fight Club raid the dumpsters of LA plastic surgeons for the fat sucked from rich peoples thighs and asses, in order to make soap (which they then sell back to same rich folks in a genious stroke of irony).
Glenn Beck looks pretty chunky, how do y'all feel about taking up a collection and somehow tricking Beck to go down to Peru?
Remind me to avoid that neck of the woods. One look at my 50 kg of spare lard and I'd be rendered for sure.
I suppose it beats having lipo-suction!!!
Happens right here in the good ole USofA .... except the gang is called Wall St/Washington. They cook the labor of American workers, instead of their own fat.
There was an episode of "Boston Legal" where Denny Crane was involved in selling human fat. Did they get that show down in South America???
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