That second beer was my first mistake. Or maybe it was just heading downstairs in a weakened state of mind. You see I keep my bottle of sippin whisky down stairs. And well, one thing led to another and by the time I came upstairs for some air and to catch some of the Vice Presidential Debate, my spring had been wound pretty damn tight.
I turned on the Debate and whose ferret face jumps out at me jawing about Iran - yeah that's right, Paul Ryan. I immediately thought of the business card my dad had printed up back in the day. It was a card with a simple, easy to understand message. He would hand them to whomever he thought was talking out of their asshole, usually after serious intake of the demon Rum. I had managed to find one card intact after he dearly departed and I saved it. Apparently I saved it for this day, this debate. If ever a man should be handed this card, it is Paul Ryan. I took a picture of it and added the "Paul Ryan".
How do these guys do it? Sit there and with conviction lie right to our faces. Do they ever take a break and tell the truth? Do they even know what the truth is? I am reminded of the term "You can't make this stuff up." Apparently politicians can.
Overall, I thought old Joe did a fine job. He did not give Paul Ryan a free ride. Joe was in his face. Bill Maher's Tweet basically covered it.
"Hello 9-1-1? There's an old man beating a child on my TV."
Purposely missed the debate - but I will take your word for it.
the Ol'Buzzard
Borowitz says the Dems want Joe to cover for Obama in all future debates.
What Ol'Buzzard said.
Maybe little Paul needs to be taken out behind the wood shed and then afterwards, have his mouth washed out with lie (sic) soap.
I'm thinking Joe is just the adult to do it.
I don't watch the debates, they're all bullshit and full of shit. I think terms should be for eight years, or longer, constant election are just bullshit.
I haven't watched any debates. My reaction while sober would probably be like yours was. Can't stand all the lying bullshit.
It appears Joe has resurrected an old term "malarkey". Can't say I've heard that term used except in old 1930s movies, but it is fitting.
Damn, you must have had one helluva reaction to the debate!!
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