Maybe my pissy mood was rekindled because I immediately opened the next email and it was from Media Matters. Who knows how I got on their email list? Some comment or survey I stupidly filled out during an intoxicated moment from my past. Anyway, I get a weekly update from them with their spin on the latest madness the Right is involved in.
This week their target involves Eric Massa, the soon to be retired Democrat from NY. The story revolves around the stupidity of the Right Wing pundits and superstars as they opine one way and then as the truth of the situation pops up, they opine the other. It would be pretty funny if I hadn't given up laughing at the tragedy that is American Politics. All it did was reinforce my contention that we have elected idiots, we have chosen to listen to idiots, and that whatever stupidity they get caught up in is our fault. We put these clowns in office. We tune into to these clown shows and drool over every word. We allow these clowns to set our priorities for us instead of the other way around.
And I am not just blasting the Right here. Though they have managed to shift the battle down to one of partisan stupidity, the Left has bought into it and is now on the other side of the fence throwing the rocks back. What a bunch of morons. All of them.
I still don't feel any better......................
They are all morons. It's really shocking how absolutely incompetent they are. Okay, there are a few who do seem like they might be capable of actual thoughtful legislation with the public's interest in mind, but the rest...
I've given up on politics. I asked Roger to shout loudly at me, "Snap out of it..." whenever I express the least bit of hope that things might change.
Wait. Politicians are morons? When the hell did this happen? Don't you be destroying my carefully cultivated worldview, Mr. Bicycle!
Though honestly, if I could only set one group on fire, I don't know which one I'd choose first, the politicians or the media.
I think we all fell through the looking glass a long time ago. Congress and the media are all full of madhatters.
We're all screwed... politicians make the rules and we are the cattle or is it sheep... folling along behind them.
Yeah... I don't feel any better either. If you find something that helps will you let me know?
Randal, you should try living in Australia!! We elected a PM who, like Obama, promised the world. Well, as it turns out, he was the only one who received the world. He spends more time travelling than he does working on issues in this country...
Might be time for carefully-worded email from me. Any thoughts on the content...???
Don't waste your time, nothing can be fixed through politics anymore. Nothing will be fixed until it all tumbles so just hope the tumble comes soon instead of fighting it.
So an Irishman walks out of a bar.
Really, it does happen.
We elected a PM who, like Obama, promised the world.
I said before Obama was elected that he would end up being a lame duck president. But I also pointed out that it didn't matter who the next president was, the result would be the same.
You voted for Olympia and Susan? Are you serious?
robin andrea - we keep voting in the same people while hoping for different results.
Randal - Yeah, that would be a tough coin flip.
Beach Bum - problem is we seem to be okay with it. Guess that makes us the fools who buy their hats.
CJT - 10 shots of whiskey and a fat blunt might help.
Crybbe666 - Well seems your PM used Bush the lessor's example as a model.
BBC - I know. Politics is like a bad drug. I still get sucked back into it hoping for a better ending. And yet the result is always the same.
Bill - I don't remember seeing you in the voting booth with me. Yeah I voted for Olympia. And I voted for Collins her first term but not since. Collins proved quickly she was more interested in impressing her party than serving the state. If Olympia goes independent, I will vote for her again. But from now on, any candidate who is affiliated with either party does not get my vote. But just to support my right to whine, I will show up and vote - write ins I guess, but vote I will.
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