Thirty years later an older man, slightly worn, slightly shorter, stands on legs that have pulled their weight. An older man considers where he's been, not where he is going. It often crosses his mind the luck it took to make it this far. He says he has no regrets. He lies.
Anyone who says they have no regrets is either a filthy liar, or blissfully unaware of the world around them. Or been on acid their entire life.
a rather poingnant posting---I;m 71 and I find myself still looking towards tomorrow more than reviewing what happened yesterday. I am forever an optimist. "tomorrow, tomorrow,----tomorrow is a day a way." (sing it Annie (lol)
Well, at least you stuck to the same kind of specs. Not everybody can say that.
And no, I have no regrets. I would do it all again exactly the same way.
Sorry randal graves
Heh! Great post, Crum. I look at the past sometimes, and ruminate on a few errors, but I try not to overdo it.
Love the photos. Believe it or not, I was going through some old photos the other day and was actually thinking of scanning and posting a few of them.
You may just have talked me out of it. How can I top your 70's era pic?
I like the new look.
United In Peace And Freedom
"He lies."
Fair enough, that's the lie that keeps us going.
I'm second from the left top row.
Playing head games with yourself are you?
Randal, I have no regrets, that was simply my life behind me. And if you wasn't an idiot you would understand that. :-)
Ditch, bullshit, you would not do it the same way again, I wouldn't even do yesterday the same way again, except for that peanut butter shake.
More whiskey !! And fresh horses and women for my men !!
If only you knew then what you know now.
I was going to post some old photos of myself but then realized that I look exactly the same now. Must be that portrait of me in grandma's attic that keeps getting older.
cool photos, Crum! and yeh, you stayed with the same glasses, looks like! I have a pic of me in the 70s with my cool aviators on.
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