Okay. I always seem to think about what to write about when I have neither the implements to record the ideas, nor the ability at the moment to physically follow through. I am driving, riding my bike, or involved in an infrequent moment of industrious and fruitful endeavor. Clever and witty notions amble in, then usually hurry out of my mental void. Fearful of being mugged, they move along with quickened step while glancing over their shoulders and mumbling, "Who the Hell was that?"
So yesterday on the way to the bike shop, a variation of the pleasant image to the left stopped in to say Hi. Just some random words I strung together to describe a face. The words couldn't have been something upbeat or profound. Naturally nothing insightful or leading one to some kind of meaningful conclusion. No, it was my conception of a face from someones nightmare. And it did not leave. Proof being that 18 hours later, it woke me up and now I sit here retracing it's steps.
I did not wake up in a cold sweat. There was no panic or sharp intake of breath as my eyes flew open. I simply opened my eyes with this image on my mind. Damn odd.
The image poached from Photobucket did not put the image in my mind. After the fact, I sifted through another insane number of thumbnails to come up with one that kinda, sorta, reminded me of the vision that woke me up. It is close, but well, it is only a hint of the sharply evil face that hung over me as I slept.
The fact that I was able to remember a potential writing prompt from yesterday is why I even bother writing about it today. The image was so distnct, I figured I would try to put it into words. For what started yesterday as just a string of words in my mind became my dream of last night. I felt compelled to put it down on paper so to speak. Resistance was futile.
And now I get to the "analyze this" part of the post. Does having this dark profile kicking around inside me indicate some over the top fascination with evil, horror or other dark places in human character?.............Nah. This kind of thing is occasional for me at best. I assume I am still safely within the parameters of normal. Did this image come to mind after seeing too many pols posing for kodak moments with forced and insincere smiles? Hmm........ Maybe. I have immersed myself lately in the heated politics of the day. But again, I do not think so. They are not evil so much as they are just idiots and liars. Certainly evil can result from their idiocy and their lies. I don't think they start out with evil in mind.
In the end, just some words I thought sounded cool in my brain and now have found an outlet.
I quite like the image and the beginning of that story is promising. Keep going
Actually my husband would love you, having a bike shop. He loves bikes (push bikes that is).
you have a flair for word usage, and know how to descibe things in vivid detail with choice words. A skill I greatly admire.-----so how long have you had this Fear of Clowns problem anyway? (lol)
Chief Clown created my fear of clowns
You know I thought about mentioning the clown fear thing. I have never been fearful of clowns with red noses, just clowns with red buttons.
You ARE indeed a good writer! I would love to try some writing like what you did in this post, but it is hard for me to focus long enough to get my ideas into words unless it is in the form of some kind of political rant or essay.
That picture would give my twenty-year-old daughter nightmares. She used to have a sticker in her room that said "Can't sleep... the clowns will eat me!!"
Thanks for the comment on my blog today, by the way. Good stuff!
Mrs. Snave was never fearful of red buttons, but she always have a visceral loathing of Red Buttons.
Thanks for the visit and the comments and I quite like being under odd blogs.
It's great that you are continuing that story. One day I might read the whole thing.
I will return the favor and add you to my links. This way we can keep in touch.
Cheers ..........
I'd say well within the bounds of normal, sir. Heck - who doesn't have a dark side to his/her imagination? At least you were able to let the image and the description out. Mine just swirl about without means of escape.
Actually, that probably explains quite a lot of things...
Your night time image, Crummy, is nothing more than the classic midlife pseudo-Freudian signal that you need to wake up and take a pee. That's all it is. Nothing more.
Maybe you should stop eating pepperoni pizzas before bed.
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