I am beginning to get that nasty feeling I have gotten every August for that last 19 years or so. The discomforting knot that seems to grow as August moves towards September. Another Maine summer is beginning to wind down. Come Labor day, the tourists will be gone, the punks will be back in school, and my shop will once again begin accumulating cobwebs.
I love and hate this time coming up. The dramatic drop in revenue creates apprehensions. The uptick in free time creates choices. September is when I evaluate my year, personally and from a business standpoint. Am I better off than this time last year? Did I reach any of the lofty goals I set back when icicles hung and frozen winds blew?
As it is August I am not answering any of these questions yet. But their weight is beginning to be felt. Again I will be faced with decisions that I would rather walk around and ignore like some panhandler with nasty teeth. I am ignoring these questions based on the notion that all my efforts, meager as they may be, must be focused on squeezing as much business out of the next 3 weeks as possible. I am still looking forward, but thinking of looking back.
Keep it 'Tween the ditches........................................
No what you need is a winter business. Something simple to carry you to spring. Any snowboarding or skiing in the area? Adjusting skis and selling snowboards sounds easier than redoing an entire bike.
Or you could simply hire a bikini-clad babe to pass out flyers. Sex sells.
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