Kneeling in dried bat guano, Charlotte was focusing her brush and trowel on some fossilized remains. “Harry, I’m busy here.”
“No. You need to see this.”
Charlotte sighed and stood up. She headed towards the back of the cave, Harry’s lights illuminated some drawings he found yesterday. Emblazoned on the wall was an oblong object with two faces painted under it. Arrows pointed up.
Charlotte gasped. “Is that Sarah and John?”
“Can you imagine the implication if this gets out?”
This was prompted by the three words on Lily's Feardom - Drawings, Implication and Charlotte
I changed one word from my original piece posted on Lily's Friday Prediction.
Mike, this was a great little piece and one that you could easily build on. Loving your stories and you're going from strength to strength. Keep it up, my friend.
David, but is writing stuff like that making the world a better place? Or messing it up more?
David - Thanks. I still feel like I have not found my "voice" yet. But as long as I am having fun searching for it, that is all that really matters.
BBC - Is pulling a fish or two out of the stream and camping in the woods making the world a better place? Or messing it up more?
Just existing has an impact on the planet. What we choose to do during that existence determines how much of an impact we make. Creative writing has to be pretty low on the scale of possible negatives.
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