In order to build interest and keep folks coming back, it has a convoluted system of points you can earn for good answers, good questions, and just participating. You can also get negative points from people who don't like your answers or your questions. I was into it for several days before I even had a clue about the points thing. I was answering questions just because someone asked. If you are opinionated like me, this place is opinion heaven. Watch out though. Piss off the wrong person who has a higher level and you can get slapped down hard when they take away points from your total.
So far I have done okay. I reached the second level today and well, I guess that makes me not the new guy anymore.
A couple of decent ones
Can Terrorism be considered a legitmate means of warfare?
Why do Americans hate Socialism so?
And a couple of, well, other ones
If A guy tries to get a girl in bed the same day they met, should the girl take this as a compliment?
How do you feel about toast? Be honest.
There seems to be no end of subjects that people ask questions about. From silly to serious, this site is like the ultimate one minute forum site. One hit answer and you are out of there. Or you can linger and make comments on other answers or your own.
If I get my nerve up, there is one question I have been chewing on for several days now. I thought about it but could only come up with the one answer I had right from the beginning
Just what do you suppose might go through your mind if you were standing buck naked at the Bus Stop in wing tips and argyle socks?
My Answer - Well the other day I thought I probably should have worn warmer socks.
(380 / 15,768)
I'd be thinkin' ... " I'm too sexy for my shoes 'n socks. "
You should go on tour.
And for the record, I love toast.
This sounds like the perfect spring board site for Dana at Life is Good.
Did I remember to polish my shoes?
I found this new site to waste time in. It's called Answerbag.com.
Like I have more time to waste. Na, I have better things to do.
Why do Americans hate Socialism so?
That depends on if it is directed at them or if they are paying for it. No one minds a little Socialism if it is coming to them.
Actually, it's the rich fucks that should paying for it, but they hate doing that, except on their terms.
If A guy tries to get a girl in bed the same day they met, should the girl take this as a compliment?
Not if they're both drunk or on drugs.
How do you feel about toast? Be honest.
I love toast, and french toast, and grease bread.
Just what do you suppose might go through your mind if you were standing buck naked at the Bus Stop in wing tips and argyle socks?
That would depend on what the lady standing next to me is wearing.
Hey, we miss ya in P&R! Drop bu and say hey!
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