Friday, February 14, 2025

Anti - History

During the last two weeks of October, I was overwhelmed by a horde of the tiny, no see um kind of ticks. They were so small, the only way to spot them was by careful scrutiny. I could not feel them crawling around. I ended up with 3 bites that became ugly for a time. It is February now and  thankfully, I do not appear to have suffered any long term effects; this time anyway.

I hate ticks. I am not scared of them, I just fucking hate them. Twice now in the last decade, I have had to deal with two tick borne illnesses. The repercussions had a major impact on my overall health for, oh, I guess the last 7 years. Combined with having had Covid, I am just now beginning to feel better. Other than the chronic fatigue that still lingers, and the fact I am an Old Fart, I am beginning to feel like my old self.

Well, "feeling like my old self" is relative I guess. Maybe it is more of a situation that I imagine I am "feeling like my old self". And that is all that matters. If I learned anything this last election cycle, it is if you repeat a lies long enough, they are liable too become accepted facts.

I originally sat down intent on writing about History. Not the actual content of our History, rather the manipulation of History by a wide variety of people and special interests who want to create the future they hope for by altering perceptions of present tense events as they unfold. It seems it is easier to twist the Reality of the Present than adjust it later.

Today, History is being written by a hodge podge of Lunatics, Conspiracists, Political Partisans, and a growing number of AI contributors. Even past history is being re-written by the new idiots and nincompoops with an eye to the new twists about the future they have wet dreams over. It is nothing new, but today, it is not just tiresome, it is completely out of control.

Since the Gilded Age of the 1870's, 1880's and 1890's when America's first real oligarchs became the power behind the politics, the manipulations of facts and truths have never been more egregious until now. It's interesting that the Gilded Age and the Age of Trump are both occurring during huge populist movements. The Rockefellers, the Mellon's, the JP Morgan's had the power and used the media they owned to convince their wage slave Americans how well off they were.

Manipulating History has been around since we humans began flocking together. With the advent of the Internet, controlling history, past and present, has never been more insidious and damaging as it is now. And it has never been easier to accomplish. It is a huge mistake and naïve to continue to rely on history to honestly cover just the basics of an event.  I am now calling what passes for History on the Internet, "Anti-History".

It was the introduction of "Alternative Facts" during the Orange Felon's first term that kicked the "Anti-History" trend of today into overdrive. That "Anti-History" is now again cruising at warp speed is no coincidence. The unadulterated facts of the events that got us to the here and now are being lost, tossed, changed or ignored purposefully to affect the short term goals of some really evil people.

This purposeful elimination of facts from our mutual historical and present day records seems to have staying power. The Internet has given the lazy, greedy smallminded sociopaths of the world, the chance to make up their own historical record that personifies and satisfies their emotional self serving view of the world. We have begun to not only construct our own realities. We are believing our twists on reality as true just because we believe in them. Facts no longer matter.

It boggles my mind how stupid the collective "we" have become because of the technology we have embraced.

There is hope I guess. Maybe when we are tired of creating a doomsday future in our minds, we will find a way to appreciate what we have instead of inventing the nightmare world we fantasized about.

Keep the skiff upright ...............................


Lately I have been creating playlists on YouTube. It has been very easy and seamless to create random lists while also creating specific lists of groups or genres. Yesterday and today, I have been collecting tunes by "Ferocious Dog", a folk punk(?) group from across the Big Pond. They mix a punk attitude into an engaging Celtic / Sea Shanty style. Lots of violin, guitars, and some Scottish pipes. These guys have definitely found a way to re-introduce really old genres with fresh messaging for today. They are extremely political. Here is a two-Fer , "American Dream" and "Fake News".

Playing it loud is recommended for full effect. But it is up to you.


Kulkuri said...

"feeling like my old self" You should, you're old.

Sounds like you had deer ticks which carry Lyme Disease.

As for history, that is written by the winners. The lies the winners tell about the losers!

Bohemian said...

I agree with Kulkuri that so much History is written from the perspective of the Conqueror and lies told about those they Conquered and often dehumanized to the point of assuming those Histories don't matter. Anti-History and Alternative Reality is rampant now and so much is whitewashed and sanitized, so people don't even really know it ever happened or can't stomach that it did. I remember in High School our Assignment was to Write a Report on "The Holocaust" and of coarse every other Student studied and wrote about the only one they knew about. I wrote the attempted and much more successful American one executed against my Dad's people, the Indigenous Tribes of North America. The Class and the Teacher were speechless, most had no idea our shame in this Country was equal to the shame of the Germans of WWII... and my European Mom is of Gypsy Ancestry and said few know how many Gypsies were also Ethnically Cleansed by Hitler. My Cambodian DIL told of the Genocide in her Country that her own Family escaped the Killing Fields of and lost half the Family before being granted Asylum. Presently we're watching another attempted Genocide of the Palestinians. Sorry you got Sick from Tick Bites, they can carry so many Diseases, like Fleas do too... and Rodents.

MRMacrum said...

Check the Encyclopedia Britannica for an "alternate" re-telling of the American Revolution". I had the history is written by the winners discussion with my father after I had read the Brit version at the Tallahassee Public Library. That was when I learned no historical record is totally objective.

MRMacrum said...

I am guessing you might have twisted some panties reporting on the Genocide of Native Americans. What fries my ass is Jackson is still on the $20 Bill. If any one man holds much of the responsibility for the worst of what Native Americans had to endure, it is him.