Her real name was Jackiesue. She was a good friend of 20 years or so. I could count on her to tell me truths and have my back out here in the World Wide Web. I pissed her off once. I felt her anger for sure. But she forgave me and all was right again.
Jackiesue and I shared a common childhood. We were both military brats. We spent different times on the some of the same bases. Jackiesue was I think, 7 or 8 years older than I am.
"Fire and Rain", by James Taylor always makes me puddle up. Seems it is my go to song when someone I cared about leaves this mortal coil. Whenever I hear it, snapshots of folks from my life will flash through my mind like they are riding ponies on a carousel.
Erin, Bean, Snake, Uncle Herb, Brother Joe, Mom, Dad, Buzzy, Andre, Granny, and now Jackiesue joins the gang on that merry go round. As their faces pass by and fade, I sit for a spell saddened. Then my heart will lift. I know ..... I just know since I will never forget them, they will never truly be gone.
RIP Jackiesue.
Listening now. My sad song when missing someone is Ian Tyson's Barney.
"I cried for my days of youth past and gone
And for things Ithat I thought I'd forgot
But mostly I cried for an honest brown horse
Who gave me much more than he got
She is missed
the Ol'Buzzard
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