Thursday, February 27, 2025

Reflecting Pool

 There are some of us who have always stood up for others and some of us who have only stood up for ourselves.

Then there's the rest of us, never really sure which way to go

And that's just sad


This is the variation of a thought that came to me for a comment on someone's Facebook post. I have expanded it to include myself. I would love to claim the high ground of standing up for others, but well, I have failed from time to time to be that guy. I can also remember a time when selfish interests ruled and I knew I should have been more considerate.

And now, after so many years of inconsistent support for those who needed it, I have begun to speak out more, donate more, and most important, try to recognize what personal actions I can change that would benefit others without being judgmental or attaching any debt to my help. 

I know now that help saturated in pity will often make the situation worse. People generally do not want to be pitied. They can become resentful. They may need help. They may even want it. But when it is waved in their face, often it causes them to draw back from it.

It would be easy for me to sit back at 72 years old and not give a shit about anything or anyone. It would be a logical step after becoming a card carrying Old Fart. But It makes less sense now to not care than it did when I was in the middle of the busy productive part of my life.

Whether it is a good idea or not, I have been doing a lot of reflecting these days. I have the time now to reflect on years past; the triumphs, the failures, the moments of pleasure and pain.  And though it has been my position that I have no regrets, well, that is probably just some Bullshit I tried to fool myself with.

I used to passively deny regrets with, "There are things I would have done differently." Who am I fooling? That means regret; no getting around it. Thankfully, any regrets I harbor are shoved aside by the overwhelming wave of the things I did that I did not regret. I am pretty much happy with my performance as a human so far. Now, I want to see if I can clean up the rough edges I developed as I wore myself out making it paycheck to paycheck over the years.

I need to stop now. The Reflecting Pool is beginning to ripple. Besides, Maggie needs to go out to pee.

Keep it 'tween the ditches .............................................


I spent more time finding a tune for this post than I usually spend I guess. Or I just became frustrated and impatient sooner than usual. Regardless, I chose a Nickelback tune, "When We Stand Together" for the music to listen to when reading this post. Hope you like it. I did.


The Blog Fodder said...

Do what good we can, where we can when we can. John Pavlovitz' substack dealth with that the other day.

MRMacrum said...

Blog Fodder - John Pavlovitz huh? Thanks for the link. I will check it out.

I gave it a read. Proximity and Agency huh? Along with his adivce to "Do something" is all well and good. My wife and I have already begun "doing something". Maybe it is not much, but it is more than we did before and we were not slouches before. The problem as I see it is, the overt evil that exists in the hearts of half the population is like nothing we have never faced in our lifetimes; at least not in this country.

Finding my footing again is very daunting at times ,with the current 24/7 onslaught of evil stupidity eroding the heart and soul of my country. "Doing Something" over simplifies what we need to do. It gives the impression that doing anything is better than doing nothing. IMO, that is exactly what the assholes in charge are doing.

I know John indicates that start by bolstering the efforts of the good programs already in play. That will not be enough if the current leadership has their way. I do agree it beats a blank, but it won't stop the tide of bad decisions coming at us.

The Blog Fodder said...

Doing something is better than doing nothing. You are already doing something, can you ramp it up or combine witrh others to ramp it up?
"The problem as I see it is, the overt evil that exists in the hearts of half the population is like nothing we have never faced in our lifetimes; at least not in this country." You are right and it is so frightening. Trump didn't create it, he released it.
Yesterdays attack on Zelenskyy brought the free world together like nothing else could. You are no longer alone in opposing Trump.

MRMacrum said...

Blog Fodder - I have never felt alone, but lately I have feelings that our side was out numbered. It's the uncommitted middle that makes me nervous. I get the sense that what we are dealing with now is but a repeat of similar times in other countries, culture, times.

"You are right and it is so frightening. Trump didn't create it, he released it."


The Blog Fodder said...

One third of people will kill another third and one third will watch and do nothing. Trump got the same number of voted in 2024 as in 2020 but 19 million people did not vote. Now everyone is in the FO stage of FAFO.