Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Riddle Me This

I have always admired the ability to think up riddles. My dad had that ability. He used to twist my brain every chance he had with the latest one he had thought up or one he had discovered that he thought was worthy.

I can only remember besting him once as a kid. I was grade school age, maybe 7 or 8 when he asked me:

 "What is supposed to arrive, but never does?"

My brother just recently reminded me that this is how I first heard this question. He was at the dinner table that night when Dad asked it. All this time I remembered it not initially as a riddle, but something he just declared. My brother remembers because he couldn't guess the answer either.

After too many moments leaving us hanging, Dad said:

"Tomorrow never arrives. By the time it is Tomorrow, it is Today."

We all chuckled or more likely groaned.  I wasn't able to shake the point; it bothered me. I knew damn well Tomorrow arrived. It was one of the certain truths I had filed away early in my life. Anything that was supposed to happen always started out as a statement regarding the future, which in my mind meant tomorrow. 

I kept straining my brain to figure out how to prove that riddle wrong. It took quite awhile. We had moved and I was in another school , so at least 6 or 7 months. I finally had my Eureka moment and confronted my father with my conclusion that disproved the conclusion of the riddle, that "Tomorrow never Arrives".

"Tomorrow does arrive. Today is Yesterday's Tomorrow"

He was dutifully impressed. Though I think he might have been more impressed with my tenacious attitude of trying to one up him than the answer I came up with.

I only bring up this exchange with my father because of my life long love/hate relationship with riddles. I have solved a few, but most of the time it seems I was unable or unwilling to waste the band width in my brain solving them. 

Then this morning as I filled water jugs, a riddle came to me that I think may be my one and only original riddle.

I have 6 empty jugs. I filled all 6, yet 5 remain empty. How is that possible?

It's a light weight riddle I am sure. But I have to start somewhere........ Right?


I am constantly surprised how many songs the are under the Sun for every damn thing under the Sun. Here is "The Riddle" by Five for Fighting, another previously unknown group to me. Excellent piano. I always like good piano.

The message is right for my current state of mind. Maybe it contains messages we should all have in mind:

There are secrets that we still have left to find
There have been mysteries from the beginning of time
There are answers we're not wise enough to see


The Blog Fodder said...

There are secrets that we still have left to find
There have been mysteries from the beginning of time
There are answers we're not wise enough to see

I'm useless at riddles. But the lines above sure are true. The more we learn the less we know. I am fascinated by prehistory. Everyday new things come to light that make me wonder if Homo sapiens is so sapiens after all. Are we just Johnny come latelys to this planet? I dont mean aliens but there are things that baffle me, like in the 30's coal miners in Ukraine found a perfectly normal wheel embedded in a coal seam km below the surface, or wagon ruts in solid stone on Malta ending at the cliffs edge

MRMacrum said...

The amount of knowledge we humans think we have of the Universe, past, present or possible future would fit in a thimble. I think the planet is entirely too old to have had just one intelligent species inhabit it.