Tuesday, June 27, 2023


I grew up in a home filled with books. It seemed a natural progression that I would make my own mark on that collection by creating my own personal library. Friends coming over for the first time were always surprised by the full shelves of books and magazines found everywhere a book shelf or table resided. 

My dad was the non fiction collector. My mom was not so focused. Her tastes were all over the place, but I think historical novels might have been her favorites. As for me, I gravitated immediately to SciFi as my almost complete Tom Swift Jr collection by age ten attested. From there I bought as many SciFi books as I could. My collection now is sizable.

This old house was chock full of books when my Aunt Helen died. Her library needed a home, so the cream of her library has been absorbed into this library. All told, I am guessing there are several  thousand books here in the house; everywhere I look and everywhere I don't.

People have asked me if I have read them all. I am always honest and say no. Then why do you have so many, is often their next question. Answering that question has always been tough for me. It does seem a waste I guess to have so many books I have not read. I will usually tell them I have had most of these books surrounding me my whole life and I plan on that continuing up to the day I go terminally inert. I continue to have pangs of guilt over the fact I have only read a pitiful percentage of them. I make myself feel better by reminding any one who might be critical that some of the books I have read, I have re-read many of them 10 or more times.


Just recently I discovered there is a term for the kind of book collecting I practice. The Japanese call it Tsundoku. As I understand it, just owning books can boost one's level of Life enjoyment. Books, whether read or not, offer possibilities not available should they be absent. One book unread means there will will always be something new to learn should we take that path. Owning books is about being comfortable and feeling safe. Books protect me from the public displays of stupidity and inanity. I get tired of what's happening out in the World, I can just hunker down in a world that has nothing else to do but entertain me.

The only thing better than reading books I guess would be writing one.

Keep it 'tween the ditches .................................. 


"Rocket Man" written by Bernie Taupin and recorded by his main squeeze at the time, Elton John is the musical pick for this post. 

I did not know it, but Bernie had just finished reading the short story, "The Rocket Man"after which he wrote this song as a homage to Rad Bradbury who wrote the original story as part of his "Illustrated Man" collection of short stories.

An added bonus is many of Ray's writings were put on banned book lists off and on over the years. At this point I believe they are back on "The do not read, you will be woke when you finish" list.


peppylady (Dora) said...

I have many genre of books. Plus quite the reading list over at https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/29855334-dora-witherell-vandenberg?shelf=to-read.
The books where nothing goes wrong and the world is perfect. The genre I put them under is gag.
Coffee is on, and stay safe.

yellowdoggranny said...

I gave all my books away...I still miss them..But I wanted them to go to homes that wanted then and not just given away when I croaked cause my kids just don't want them...sigh* i still miss them..