Friday, June 23, 2023

Its Sleepy Joe's Fault

I have become used to the White Wingin Right blaming every problem under the Sun on the Libtards and our President, Sleepy Joe Biden. As Sleepy Joe seems to be kicking their ass, what does that say about the GOP and their rank and file? I guess when a group has nothing of substance to offer its constituency, laying blame is one of the few tricks they still have in their quiver. 

The latest bloviating brain dead Winger stupidity comes from Congressman " Long Dan  Silver" Crenshaw from that political idiot's paradise, the state of Texas. He has blamed, Uh, insinuated the Coast Guard and possibly even Sleepy Joe did not act in a timely manner, making them at the least, partially responsible for the submersible tragedy:

“I have been hearing a lot of concerning things from people, the civilian side who are involved in this,” Crenshaw said Thursday in a statement to reporters. “You know, we’ve got to look into it, see what’s true and what isn’t. … What appears to be the case is epic failure in leadership. Where exactly that leadership failure is, I don’t know. Is it the White House, Coast Guard, Navy? I’m not sure.”

Up until I read this moronic statement from a leader on the Right, I was going to walk around the submersible incident. It was a tragedy to be sure, but let's face it, it was a self inflicted, bought and paid for tragedy that could have been avoided. Any blame to be laid, falls squarely on the shoulders of Oceangate, the company who built, owned and ran the submersible.

Yet, because they have more time on their hands because they can't actually govern, Wingers can only waste time and band width spreading more hate and discontent that literally has no substance.  .... I repeat, has no fuckin substance. 

And the sad joke that the GOP has become, continues to build its legacy.

When will the Right wake up?

Later ....................................


The 1967 hit, "Chain of Fools", by Aretha Franklin is a song about a woman done wrong by her asshole boyfriend.

Chain Chain Chain

Chain Chain Chain

Chain of Fools

The refrain perfectly describes the current political population of the Right Wing.


BBC said...

I'm not sure what went wrong but just this morning I saw something about the fact that the front viewing window was only safe to 1300 meters and the company that made it knew that. Not sure if the folks in the sub was told that..

MRMacrum said...

BBC - Yeah, from what I have heard, this was a tragedy in the making from the first the owner of Oceangate thought it up.

DaveH said...

The AP reports: this was a Canadian-flagged vessel that departed a Canadian port. And Texas is looking for fault where?

MRMacrum said...

David H - The Right Wingers of the American political scene have no problem blaming Sleepy Joe and his Space laser cabal of woke pinko commies for all the ills in the World at large. A Pakistani stubs his toe in Pakistan and its Joe's fault.