Monday, June 26, 2023

Forgotten Flowers

My yard has been in a serious state of disarray for 3 or 4 or maybe even 5 or 6 years now. The jungle I used to beat back to a stalemate in days gone by took every advantage it could these past years and now I imagine the jungle decided it has finally won. 

No matter how overgrown my yard gets, one of the plantings will always raise a hand to let me know they are still hanging in there.

The flowers to the left are the progeny of an escapee seedling I dug up from a neighbor's garden path, oh, I guess about 8 years ago. I had no idea that little transplant I left to its own devices would grow so big and strong. But it did and it is one of the few stand outs still standing.

And I still do not know what it is.

Well, if I was unable to fight the good fight?

A couple of ringers, hired guns, professionals were brought in. 

They handed the jungle its first defeat in years I believe. 

Now that some light drifts in, I am inspired, 

Hopefully for more than a minute or two.

It's been painful, unkind and blows my mind.

Sloth combined with age is a tough row to hoe.

But hoe we must, or the sooner we turn into dust.


Once I found this tune, "Forgotten Flowers"  by John Fulbright, my search for a tune halted. Its folksy, but a good listen.

1 comment:

yellowdoggranny said...

can't go wrong with Fullbright..