Monday, July 22, 2019

Smokin Roaches Monday - Mon, July 22, 2019

When I was an unmarried man of around 22, livin and partying paycheck to paycheck, I decided I would save my roaches and only smoke them on Mondays.  Mondays were the suckiest day of the week and roaches were the suckiest part of a joint.  Maybe dealing with the both of them at the same time made some kind of early 1970s sense.

It was not difficult to justify such actions.  My only responsibilities, showing up at work on time or close and paying my share of the rent, groceries and power.  The rest of my time and energy was generally spent on useless mind numbing endeavors satisfying my self indulgent urges.  Back in the day, no one could numb a mind like I could.

Along came the 1980s.  I woke up one morning and I was a married homeowner with a little shitwiggle scooting around on her bum, pulling cat hair and beating the dog.  Life conspired against me and forced my nose to the grindstone.  Just like that, a fine tradition a decade old disappeared faster than a nickel bag at a keg party, anywhere USA.

It appears I once again have few if any real responsibilities. I can reinstate Roach Monday.  Unless there are any objections, I will officially note that "Smokin Roaches Mondays are now back in business.

Don't burn your fingers ...................................................


Badboybarn said...

Mike, last Friday being my last official day at work, I wholeheartedly support the return to some semblance of our misspent youth. If there was ever a time to say What The Fuck, it’s now.

Badboybarn said...

Oh, and a little buzz whilst working in my garden yesterday somewhat shows that I can be comfortably numb and still get something done. So some of the adult me still persists.

yellowdoggranny said...

I'm pretty sure my son would agree with that..

Ol'Buzzard said...

I gave up roaches for a pipe. Never could roll one right - with the pipe you don't waste any.
the Ol'Buzzard

PipeTobacco said...


Perhaps I am a bit biased (grin), but I agree with Buzzard.... I wouldn’t think you would bother to roll your own these days... a pipe is the superior method. :) And, you have shown us a pipe you like to use previously.

But, in a bigger picture way.... I would imagine the roach ends would perhaps be a bit harsh... but I would also anticipate they must be stronger as well... which would be desirable.

Back when I was enjoying my pipes and pipe tobacco, I would sometimes not finish a bowl of pipe tobacco completely. Instead of wasting it (the dottle), I would knock them out of the bowl and save them until I had a few. Then I would mix them together and grind them up a bit and smoke a bowl full of the dottle. It was indeed harsh and not as pleasant tasting... but it was beautifully, robustly stronger and much more potent.... which made the harshness worth it. :)

I have to imagine the same would be true of the roach ends you compile.... they must pack a helluva pleasant wallop to the mind. Or am I not understanding something?

Someday, I will eventually get to try out marijuana for myself so I will better understand how pleasant it must be.
