Or Cormac is an evil genius himself and is holding back my fix just to see me twist and contort.
Regardless, since it's all about me anyway, I figure I will try for a fix myself.
This story telling gets easier the more I do it. If I take a break and then come back, it always seems like I have taken a few steps back and need to work harder to regain that right frame of mind. That writing advice I have read in too many places to count is right on. Write everyday and I will get better.
So this is my idea. In keeping with the Starter Sentence premise of FFF, I am looking for comments containing suggested Starter Sentences. Should the unlikely event that more than one suggestion show up in the comment section, I will pick one and hopefully post it by Tuesday, West Coast time.
I am not sure why I am going through these gyrations. Just write a story if that is what puffs up my pouch, right? Yeah I guess it could be that simple. But I have never been an advocate of simplicity when convoluted is waiting in the wings.
Looking forward to whatever you come up with...............
Well then "Mr. I need my fix" I too need a fix... so here's mine for the week.
"I felt like death warmed up."
I'll be in. This has quickly developed into an addiction.
Let me see if I can come up with a sentence.
I had visitors (Late booking) all weekend and have half a story written for last weeks FFF. So I'll be in to make up for last week. Here's mine....
"The beer in front of me looked so good but I couldn't drink it, because the last time I had one I...."
I'll cehck in on you to see what's happening.
Regards bud, David.
"This is Acadia Hospital in Bangor calling, may I speak with......"
Hope that helps.
How's about:
I could just barely make out the flashing blue lights and road flares as I drove...
How about, "As he read the letter in his hands, he wondered how things had become so bad". (or good)??
Fiction? We don't need no stinkin' fiction.
That was awful, but I watched Blazing Saddles last night.
Wait, maybe that should be my submission.
I like to write about my camping trips but they're not fiction.
On a dark and gloomy night ....
To all - Just after I posted this, the shit hit the fan at my house. The infrastructure and aging equipment I have surrounded myself with has decided to conspire with each other and self destruct in tandem. I apologize for not getting back to comment sooner.
Lots of choices. Thank you. I will pick one, two, or several and see what I can come up with.
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