I entered this year hoping, scheming and conniving ways to make sure I wrote more blog posts than last year's 199. I have even been keeping track of the numbers of useless words I have tried to put together into sentences that may make some sense to someone other myself. I haven't tallied the words up yet, but I am currently at 159 posts with 61 days left in the year. It is looking like I might just do it. Of course the quality of this record breaking effort will be as it always is, in the eye of the beholder.
At this point in the year I sit down to write and wonder why creating a new milestone based on numbers is important. Well, I guess it isn't important. And it has no meaning to anyone but myself. Right about now, I am not feeling the importance as keenly as I did when I banged out a post a day back in January. I even gave up many days of potential posts just to pay more attention to my bike shop. Imagine finding anything more important than writing inanities and nonsense.
Keeping promises and following through may have even more importance when that promise is made to ourselves. If the first person I disappoint is myself, it becomes so much easier to disappoint others.
See Ya............................
Photo by Mrs Maze
(296 / 18,267)
Wasn't that a song, disappointment is a many splendored thing?
I always figure I'll post more than I do, but many of my half-baked ideas that sound so delicious often taste like crap after I've left them in for too long at 450°.
Just do what Randal does. Post You Tube videos. :P
Oh wait.. that's what I did today!
((Hugs))*scary ones cause it's Halloween*
I have even been keeping track of the numbers of useless words I have tried to put together into sentences that may make some sense to someone other myself.
Several weeks ago I wandered through the Blogger page that shows posts allowing a person to edit or delete something. I counted about fifty or so posts that for whatever reason I never published. I made the mistake of actually reading some of them, even ones that appeared to be finished and just about every time I came away wondered what in the Hell I was thinking.
And as far as the "33" is concerned I had no idea. I went to dig out the dead bottles that gave their lives in dedicated service last night but my vigilant wife had already taken them to the recycle bin. Just another reason to go buy some more.
I must admit that I usually drink Corona or Bud Light but Rolling Rock was the cheapest beer I could find last night at the upper crust grocery store my wife demanded we go.
I'd really be complaining if the place hadn't been crawling with hot rick MILF's.
Quality over quantity I say. I'd rather read a few good posts than a whole lot of blatherings. Ya hear that Graves? No more cheating with You tube vids slapped up there at the last minute cause the page view goes to a NY minute.
I entered this year hoping, scheming and conniving ways to make sure I wrote more blog posts than last year's 199.
I do at least one post everyday that I'm here, I'm about a 199 posts behind being as I've written many posts that I've never gotten around to posting.
Not that the rest of the world gives a fuck, or that I give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
If I gave a fuck you would be the first one I would give it too. Wait, that didn't come out right.
I must admit that I usually drink Corona or Bud Light but Rolling Rock was the cheapest beer I could find last night at the upper crust grocery store my wife demanded we go.
That poor bastard, I'm glad I don't have a wife like his.
But at least I have that to be thankful for.
Time is too short for me to be a good blogger. If I get six or eight posts published a month, that's about the best I can hope for.
And yes, I said six or eight. Not seven or nine.
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