Taking a deep breath. Filling these punished lungs with some of Maine's finest oxygen, I tried to calm down. The calmer I tried to be, the angrier I became......................Well that ain't workin. Instead I figured I would write down my impressions of this election and maybe some words of caution for the victors and a few well selected ones for the LOSERS.
Six Billion dollars
Hey LOSERS are you happy now? Managed to turn corporations into people and prove that corporations know how to piss money down the drain better than a 47%er at Wallymart just after cashin their welfare check. And like the shoppers at Wallymart, you came out with a shitty product that wasn't even worth half the price.
Negative Ads - Millions and Jillions of them
What the fuck are you people thinking? And don't you smirk you loser Obama ad folks. You have no reason to sit there all smug and shit. You were almost as bad. Remember this for next time. I turned yours off as much as I did Romney's. Cool it with the bad vibes, the lies, the technically accurate but when its put together makes the whole damn thing a big fat fucking 30 second lie. I am disgusted with the both of you. Assholes.
The Media
I was not going to mention YOU DICKWADS. I was going to keep you out of this. You were just doing your job I know. AND THAT'S JUST IT. YOU WERE DOING YOUR FUCKING JOB! And doing a mighty fine shitty job of it.Next time stay home and watch Andy Griffith. You only made a bad situation way way worse what with your endless polls, your mob of pundits puking up polarizing nonsense who ended up not knowing their ass from their elbow. Here's a suggestion. Take those polls next time and shove them up the nearest pundits ass. And maybe instead of asking stupid questions just to fill air time, suck on a sock instead.
He lost. A great concession speech, but the canceled credit cards took the shine off that moment.
He won. And he better goddamned well stare those republicans down. Take it to them Barry. Find some Balls. I'm giving you until next election and then you're outta there......I feel better now. And I know Life will return to normal in a few hours when I turn on the Patriots game instead of those assholes at MSNBC or Fox.
Ya'll have a nice day ya hear.............................................
You know what concerns me? If America takes a liking collectively to Obama and he's doing a decent job all in all we still have to let him go in 2016. I know the forefathers met well but I see a flaw in that.
Fuck the news whores and agencies like that, they love this shit and make billions off of these constant elections.
Oh well, our man won, fuck them, lets go camping.
He lost. A great concession speech,....
Didn't watch or read his concession speech, didn't see any point in listening to a fucking loser. :-)
BBC - I am more of an advocate of one six year term for the President and then they are out. And as far as Congress goes - Keep the six year run for the Senate, but double the House term to four years. This two year cycle is bullshit.
How about I just become king for life, got any bombs I can borrow?
And then when you get pissed at how I do things you can assassinate me because I want my fucking death to be interesting and you can take over as king and run this stupid fucking mess. :-)
BBC - Not sure where you're coming from here. But hey you want to be king, go for it.
Can't get there from here. When five o' clock comes I'll just crack open a can of FUCK IT ALL.
I like what Mark Twain once said about congress. He said something to the effect like "Give them one term in congress then take them all out and shoot them".
Geez, that sure would save us from paying for their retirements.
The media (those fucking stenographers) made it worse with their constant claims of how close the race was. (Bullshit!!) They only wanted to make people think it was close so people would watch. If they had told the truth that RMoney didn't have a snowball's chance in Hell, nobody would have tuned in and there's no money in that for the networks.
What we need is journalists that are willing to actually be journalists, not just stenographers. The way the media operates now all we would need is some kind of recorders, eliminate the middle man.
It appears to me that most media whores anymore are just copy/paste fucks.
Don't be too hard on the "close race" BS. It kept Dems scared shitless enough to get out and vote. Obama was down 9 million votes from 2008; Repugs 4 million if I recall the numbers. Not sure how many votes the ID etc laws cost him but the "close race" made people get IDs and stand in line.
BBC - I cracked it already. Third whiskey on the rocks and as you say - fuggit.
Demeur - Mark Twain? I'd call him a hack, but lightening might just look for me hard.
Kulkiri - Stenographers? You do know that now days we use 8 track recorders. what we really need is ......well after that last drink and the last minute interception that saved the game for my Pats, well, I just do not know what we need. I know I need to go lay down.
Blog Fodder - you would show up when I am in a self induced weakened state.
Nice summary of the election and post-election. I felt like my life had returned to normal the day after the election, when I was no longer making frantic visits to Intrade and Nate Silver umpteen times a day. And since the day after the election, when I go to a news site it's for information or entertainment; and not with those terrifying panic-stricken feelings of "Oh My God, Romney isn't ahead, is he???"
Geez, still two hours before 5:00, ah fuck it, it's 5:00 somewhere.
Sorry I'm late: had to watch the Pats.
Everybody seems to be giving love to Willard because of his concession speech. Fuck him - he is a lying, opportunist who will say anything to get what he wants. The asshole lied like a rug for over a year and then conceded a lost race...to save face and not appear the petty ass he actually is.
One attaboy does not erase a hundred ah-shits.
the Ol'Buzzard
and I am gloating.
He watched the Pat's game? I thought he was trolling the internut for tits.
I watched part of the Nascar race today but it was boring, in Phoenix, my least favorite track, been there, done that, fuck it, once was enough.
Interesting to see that Martin is using my old race car number, 55.
LOL Kinda like taking a great big dump ain't it?
I'm still in favor of government by random dice roll, with a one week term limit.
//I'm giving you until next election and then you're outta there......//
ya, that's the way I feel,too....I will Never vote for Obama again! (unless Michele runs....gees, she sure is a lot better looking that any Republican in this year's cluster schmuck..) (oh, smarter,too)
It is something of a salve to see lefties complaining about the media just as much as righties do.
I guess they really are that bad, all the time.
I will come read your blog cause I like it..but this is my last comment..Where BBC is..I'm not
Jackiesew, I really don't think that is going to bother anyone.
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