Looking back at last January, I actually made plans. That in itself was a milestone. Wrote down some things I wanted to accomplish, to change. More than just a token gesture, I started the year full of piss and vinegar. Each passing month wore me down. Each month nibbling away at what enthusiasm was left until there was no enthusiasm left. I maybe didn't do my best. I at least thought about doing my best anyway. That should count for something.
Each month ended and the list got shorter. Either I blew another unrealistic goal off, or I made progress. Seems blowing off the high expectations became easier as we worked our way from then to now. But there have been some high lights. A few things I can look myself in the eye and say, "Yeah dude, you da man."
Okay, so I can take a moment and be satisfied instead of the normal, "Oh Well, better luck next time you flounder". But the moments I have that make me grin with satisfaction dim when held up to the goals still gathering dust. Yeah, it is December and right now I am just happy to finish the day and say -
"Today was a good day."
The days, weeks of 2009 have taken their toll. For eight months I fought the good fight at the bike shop. I wanted to be in better shape financially and did not want to take on any new debt. I succeeded in both endeavors. I owe less than I did a year ago. The victory though rings a tad hollow given the sad prospects over the next few months. I seem to burn out sooner now than before. Loving what I do has transformed into doing what I have to. But -
"Today was a Good Day."
I hoped to ride more this year. I'll call it a wash. I at least rode as much as last year, so -
"Today was a Good Day".
I know I started this post as a filler post using that go to when nothing else comes to mind - Music. What it does for me and what it might do for you should you dare to listen to what I am hearing right now. In recognition of what got me started tonight I offer these two juicy tunes.
Image from Anna Bonnevier, a fashion designer - It has absolutely nothing to do with the post. I just liked the image.
Get out there and mix it up..................
Is it too early to hope like Hell things might be better next year for us all? Or am I setting myself up for an even earlier disappointment?
Screw it, Here is hoping for the best anyway.
I can't even remember what goals I set for myself at the beginning of this year.
I think it was something to do with being "Fab at 40". Hmmm well, that came and went. Without me being "fab". :P
This was a tough year for us with my mother in law battling breast cancer but she and us.. made it through.
It was a good day. :D
Maybe you should have drank more vinegar. Failing that, ingested more salt and vinegar chips.
I never set conscious goals because I know I'll never keep them. Thankfully, I've got the ever-present subconscious goal of 'be more lazy.'
It'll be a good day if I finish this stupid paper.
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