Well the Red sox did it. Swept the poor Rockies in four. It was as if one team came to play and the other came to watch. I wonder if I should be sad. Being a Red Sox fan means reveling in self pity. And the Colorado Rockies robbed me of this pleasure. I was not able to curse the Fenway gang like I had become accustomed to doing. I had all the pre-packaged excuses lined up. The whines about bad umps. And groans ready for that inevitable ball between the legs and 3 score rookie error.
No edge of my seat hanging on every pitch. The Red Sox just went into each game and took care of business. I am guessing the Bambino is safely interred now and will never again haunt the dugouts of Fenway.
Congrats Boys! You kicked some serious National League butt!
No edge of my seat hanging on every pitch. The Red Sox just went into each game and took care of business. I am guessing the Bambino is safely interred now and will never again haunt the dugouts of Fenway.
Congrats Boys! You kicked some serious National League butt!
Especially you Lowell. Your .400 Series average came in handy.

All that is left is for the Revolution to break the curse of Stapleton. Maybe this year.
Another 80 years and maybe it will happen. Look the fans in New England need to feel sorry for themselves. The Rev just has to step up and cover for those turncoat winning losers of the Sox and the Pats.
The baton has been passed.
Yes, the Sox came and smacked our Rox. But be a Cubs fan and you will truly know sadness. What kind of mom am I to pass that on to her boys? ;)
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