Wednesday, June 05, 2024

One Saturday in DC

June is National Gay Pride Month. A month for all the Non- heterosexual versions of personhood to be loud and proud and wave their Rainbow flag in our faces.

I ran into my first organized Gay anything as a high school student in 1969. Charlotte Hall Military School's junior class was on a road trip to the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. 

After a morning of patriotic indoctrination and frankly, a fascinating, wonderful time in the biggest library I had ever seen, we were released to the Wild for some personal time to wander around the National Mall. It was strongly suggested we take in the National Museums and the several monuments decorating the immediate area. And DO NOT go near the anti-war demonstration unfolding that day.

Several of us of course, chose the anti-Vietnam war demonstration unfolding around the steps of the US Capitol. In dress uniforms, we approached the gathering from the south. The crowd had settled into sections it seemed. There was a vets against the war section, a blacks against the war section, a general come one, come all white hippies against the war section, women Libs against the war section and then there was the section stage right we had decided to hang out on the fringes of. We couldn't really hear the speechifying, but that did not matter, we immediately were astounded at the sight of men hugging and kissing in public.

As I remember it, we had no time to really let that vision sink in. The cops had decided to break the party up. I turned around to see a line of cops with longish batons and white helmets almost on us. One of the cops ran up to me and clocked me hard with his stick and then proceeded to give me Hell about how dare I disgrace the uniform by supporting the treasonous activities of the demonstrators. He hit me again, I went down. Before he could hit me one more time, a fellow cop stopped him and, said we were just kids in uniforms. With an extreme look of disgust, the cop got back in line and they proceeded on past us.

That one incident firmly put me on my path to becoming a liberal gay hugging infidel and all around God hating bastard. I actually do not hate God. I just question his/her, their very existence. I hate the organizations that have been built up around the notion of an almighty God. 

But I didn't come here to write about an event 55 years ago. ...... Yeah, maybe I did. That was one of many defining moments in my life. And now that I have high jacked my original reason for this post, its point has been lost and is fading now that I am onto another tangent. If you're new here, you will get use to it; ...... and frankly I don't care if you do. I write for me first, share it, and then move on. 

So fast forward to the here and now. 

Gay folk have struggled and finally achieved more acceptance by main stream America. Sadly, those folks we now call homophobes, have dug in their heels and they have vowed to turn back the gay clock to Pre-1960 Good Ole Days . And doubly sad, is many of them have ensconced themselves in positions of power where they have attempted to move that time line backward through local and state law.

The genie is out of the bottle, that horse has left the barn, too little, too late assholes. Gays are out and they've now brought all their previously undefined buds with them. Go ahead and bunch your panties, get righteously indignant and cry, "What about the children". Your misplaced moral superiority has done nothing but create a more fertile ground for the very thing you hate. So, keep it up you clowns and do your best to stem the Gay Tide. You are only going to win a few battles, but not the war.

Later gators ....................................


I decided to use a favorite anti war song from back in the day. Here is "I Feel Like I'm Fixing to Die Rag", by Country Joe and the Fish at Woodstock in the summer of 1969. When I first saw this version in the film, Woodstock", I was high on LSD. Imagine the rushes I felt when the movie audience sang along. I was too high to sing, I just sat there with my mouth open. Awesome time.


PipeTobacco said...

I know many homosexual folks and many from other letters in the LGBTQ+ Community. Most folks from ANY community are great and kind people.

The way I view things is that I do not really care one iota what any folks do with their genitalia if others participating with them are in agreement.

The only genitalia I am concerned about are mine and my wife’s. Other than those two, who cares?

One thing though that I DO think would help everyone out is for everyone to throttle down the level
of discussion and publicity about sex and sexual activity. Life is far more than just what we do with our genitalia. If our society adopted more of a “demure” or “private” approach to their sexual activities, I think it would help everyone in any “group” you could name…. “heterosexual” or “homosexual” or non-sexual” or any letter in the collective groupings. We would tend to find more unity as a society by focusing more on kindness, love, caring, support, and well being rather than on differences in how a person may wield and use their genitals.


MRMacrum said...

Pipe Tobacco - As you say, turning down the volume would certainly help to deny the Anal Retentive types as big an audience.

PipeTobacco said...

Exactly. Sex behavior is such a small part of who a person is. But currently it is overemphasized. We would have a happier society for all if we focused more on our humanity, our kindness and our creativity.

MRMacrum said...

Pipe Tobacco - As much as I detest using our mythical past in any defense of where we should be, well; when I was a child, the group think was "Mom, Apple Pie and Chevrolet". It wasn't a real picture of America, but it did offer an optimistic view of what we should hold near and dear. The Doom and Gloom mindset America is now embracing on both sides paints a much uglier image of our lives going forward. Targeting the "small parts" of what or who someone is has replaced any and all efforts to move our culture forward in any meaningful way. Never mind political gridlock, now we are stuck with social gridlock.