Friday, June 14, 2024

Stupidity or Common Sense?

On the heels of the Supreme Court kicking the abortion pill issue down the road for more stupidity on the same insanity in the future, Rep. Katherine Clark (D) made an appearance on "Morning Joe" with her two cents worth.

"Are we going to choose Extremism 


Are we going to choose Freedom?"

I would have preferred her to speak, not in words wrapped in the Flag, but common everyday words even the Dimwits on the Right can understand. I would have been more impressed with:

"Are we going to choose Stupidity of the highest order


Are we going to choose basic Common Sense?"

That is the only question I have any interest in; Common Sense over Stupidity is what the election this November is really about. Do we cave to the ignorance and cultish behavior of a movement run by truly evil people, or do we reinvest ourselves in the type of country we have spent the last 248 years trying to get right. Do we think the "Grand Experiment" has run its course and now it is time to cave to the autocratic pressures designed to remove any vestige of the freedoms we have now? 

I am fed up being brow beaten with lies, false promises, false flags and Right Wing leaders kowtowing to an obviously deranged and stupid man. I am ignoring the issues and focusing on this one question. Nothing matters more to me than defeating the orange shit stain who has actively polluted our political landscape these past 8 years or so.

It is up to you America. All that I ask is don't be stupid.

Keep it 'tween the ditches ............................


Bob Marley and the Wailers recorded this song in the early 1970's. It sucks that it is still relevant over 50 years later. Apparently, contrary to the lyrics:

"You can fool some people sometimes
But you can't fool all the people all the time"

It appears Bob was wrong. You can fool almost all the people almost all of the time. Recent history bears that out.

Here is Bob and his Wailers live in 1980.


peppylady (Dora) said...

Who knows! I'm almost afraid to watch the election results come in this November.

River said...

Some good words here. When reading or hearing about the orange toddler I have been known to wish him a fatal heart attack when there is no one around to help. At more extreme moments I have muttered to myself "where's a sniper assassin when you need one?" Same comment goes for Putin.

MRMacrum said...

Dora - I haven't watch elections play out for years. I'd rather have the punch in the gut all at once the next day.

River - I am burned out with the whole politics bullshit. I wish the election was tomorrow. But since I was raised by a political family, I cannot help myself. Following politics is in my DNA.