I am my own worst enemy. I would not be sitting here awake with nothing to say if I had just applied myself a tad better over the course of my previous work week. I'd be sawing wood, catching Z's, maybe even comatose if I had just paced myself better this past week. Oh well. Perfect excuse to pour a couple of shots of Rebel Yell.
Back in the day when I drank hard and played hard, I would often finish off a night of bar hoppin with some serious caffeine intake and some greasy late night food to try to neutralize the alcohol intake from the previous few hours. Coffee on top of booze just creates a wide awake drunk. No matter how much I am sure I am different and special, all coffee seems to do for me is create a new window of opportunity to jam down some more alcohol.
Tonight I am reversing the process and the concept. Now that I am all jacked up on at least a gallon of freshly ground Guatemalan Shade Grown coffee that goes by the name "Speed Max" (I buy it from one of my bike parts suppliers. This stuff lives up to its name.), I will attempt to use a couple two finger shots to blunt the edge of the caffeine buzz and maybe go to sleep by 3:00 AM. Never used Likker this way. Be interested to see if it works.
I know I have been missing in action for more than a few days now. My Internet time has recently been spent wading through bike parts supplier sites or trying to find just the right words to put into a new business plan. I bet I have written 10,000 words but only have 500 or so saved that make sense. Forced creativity, producing words for others to consider seriously - when I have to write not for fun but for profit, this whole writing gig is like pulling teeth with dull pliers. Anything can become work if you let it.
Well I blew it. Apparently a little liquor on top of massive doses of Joe has about the same net effect as massive doses of Joe has on top of many drinks. It makes no difference the sequence. Caffeine first or caffeine last, mix in alcohol and my eyes are still open, sleep is a distant wish that fades with every shot I have nursed over the last hour. 4:00 AM is about to tick in and here I still sit pecking and plodding my way through yet another blog post just for the Hell of it.
All is not hopeless. I do not sit here a total waste of space. I am able to mutli-task to a degree. As I sit an ponder my next word, in between and on the side, I am also ripping CDs. Creating a new library of tunes to replace the library I lost during the great 2009 virus smackdown.
When I reflect on the many ways I have recorded music over the years, every time I rip a CD to the hard drive, I know it just does not get any better than this. In years past I have recorded on 8 tracks, reel to reel, and cassettes. I would often spend hours just planning and then executing the successful recording of an hour long mix tape. Now I can create the same thing in 5 minutes with the click of a mouse. ...............
............ It is 4:30 AM. I have been awake for 24 hours. I have to be back at the bike shop in 4 hours. Gotta go now. Just needed to unwind some. Relieve some pressure..........
See Ya............
when I have to write not for fun but for profit, this whole writing gig is like pulling teeth with dull pliers.Very true, but hot damn, I've got to try some of that Speed Max stuff if this is the end result.
I drink a version of speed max I got addicted to in Italy. But never after 2 PM. Good luck with working today.
Just the other day I figured out that clicking on "Rip" would copy the cd to the hard drive. Techno-geeks are like Jr. High kids with there little secret club and secret words and handshakes. Anywho, I've recoreded stuff on cassettes and 8-tracks, but never got into reel to reel. I'll probably 'rip' some more cds and who knows, I might even get a MP3 player to put the music on.
When I work long hours I don't drink much, I just go to bed after a few drinks while unwinding.
If I party long hours, and that is seldom anymore, I drink a glass or two of milk before turning in.
I suppose it's been five years since I've been up past midnight, except for when I got up just before midnight. Ha ha ha.
Oh, wait, I'm retired, never mind.
Next time take a benadryl or two, and skip the liquor.
Never had a problem falling asleep after getting into hazmat work. I could drink a coffee on the drive home and still be out a half hour later.
I gave you the Bella Award, come by and pick it up.
O Great Bicycle Repairman, may you succeed beyond your dreams at your business and your writing, and may you get the 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night that normal mortals require. Amen.
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