Why is it we like to know we are in tune with others? Why do we need to have outside confirmation that what we think is what others think? I play the contrary independent all the time in front of the Internet camera and out in public. I say, "Polls are stupid and anyone who places any weight on them is a bonehead."
Then I go to my links and what do I see? A whole freaking section devoted to polls from all over. Pew Polls, Gallup Polls, Zogby, Fox, NBC and some folks named Rasmussen are all into asking the public what they think about this or about that. All of them can appear to ask the same questions, yet come up with dramatically different results. I may hate them and place no stock in them, then why do I have a whole folder devoted to them? Methinks I am full of shit when I get into my "Polls are stupid" thing. A little hypocrisy is endearing I am told. Well okay, I just made that up. Nobody ever told me that. But maybe they should. It would help with my self image.
I definitely do not let polls change my mind. Maybe that is why I hate them so much. More often than not, my take runs negative numbers with the citizens around me. So I find myself in an odd position this election. My guy is on top in the polls. I almost do not know how to act. Polls that finally indicate a tilt in the direction I have been on for the last 28 years. Polls that say America may be pulling it's collective head out of its collective ass. Damn, I hope so.
My favorite place to visit to hate polls is Real Clear Politics. They have a compilation of every poll out there you have ever heard of and many you haven't. Well, at least I haven't anyway. Looking at the Obama Polls, I notice that not one has Obama as losing at this point. Predictably CBS has him up by 12 points and just as predictably Fox has Obama up by only 3 points. But one thing is apparent. Even with the mysterious "Margin of Error" figured in, it seems that Obama is on top by 6.9 points on average. This should make me happy. I should be thrilled to see my man ahead like this. But I have no faith in any poll but the one coming up tomorrow.
Though I often feel that voting never changes anything, I will keep doing it on the premise that one day it just might make a difference. If we don't vote, it is a sure thing nothing will change. So please go to the polls and be part of the sample poll that really counts.
The other day, one of the pundits suggested turning off the volumn when McCain speaks. That way you can see how angry he is. The other benefit is that I don't have to listen to the little shit.
Trust these latest polls. They are good because America is angry and we are going to bring about change. Country First.
God bless Obama and our troops. 8>)
a midnight rider:----most americans would have signed off with "God Bless AMERICA, and our troops"---but as a typical obamabot, you put him above country-----win lose or draw tomorrow, life will go on---time and History will ultimately have the last say. (your right, polls have been known to be wrong---)
That's because Obama puts the country above himself.
With McLame it's "God Bless Corporations and the hell with the troops" McNasty is just itching to get his hands on the nuke codes.
As for polls check out http://www.intrade.com
They put their money where their mouth is. You buy shares of the candidates. At present Obama is at 92 and McCain is at 9.
Gary, I don't know if your serious or not. Mine comment has a smiley, and was intended as us left leaning, commie, socialist like to call it, bait.
But have no doubt, I will be putting country first tomorrow when I cast my vote. Enough is enough.
Gary and Demeur, thanks for confirming that I was right to tune out the US election rhetoric last month.
um I'd "ditto" almost that entire post but some asshole ruined the term years ago.
Why do we need to have outside confirmation that what we think is what others think?
Hoping to gather a collective consciousness around us. There is power in greater numbers.
I made up my mind some time ago who I was going to vote for and tuned out as much of it as I could in recent months. I never watched a single debate for example.
Like polls, debates are flawed, just like the bullshit analyst after them.
I wouldn't mind going camping with Obama, or hunting with McCain. Opps, sorry, my gun just went off while I was loading it.
The only thing I want to do with Palin is kiss her tits. After I gag her of course.
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