After the spasms of laughter had died and tears had been wiped from my eyes, I looked at this image without humor and seriously considered it. It is not a funny picture. I find it sobering. It underscores that no matter how far we think we have come, white people have some serious racial flotsam to rid ourselves of. The insidious boil that is racism still festers out there. No matter how much we deny our racist roots and prove it by passing laws and opening our homes and our hearts, there will always be assholes like this guy to remind us there is still stupid hatred out there. Hatred that erupts for no other reason than someone does not fit into some narrow view of who is acceptable. And I guess what bothers me, is I would be considered acceptable by this guy based on my race and Euro/Christian background. I don't want to be considered anything but the enemy by this guy. He is not doing me any favors. His goal to purify the race is more akin to wishing it to become putrefied.
I feel that anyone who would discriminate based on any reason is not furthering any cause that will benefit Mankind in the end. We are comprised of different colors. We are comprised of different religions. We are a species comprised of differences. That we allow these differences dictate how we interact only points out how much more needs to be done before we all can truly be free.
Afterthought - This post has been simmering for a week or so now. Hanging out in Draft limbo. Each time I re-read it and considered whether I should post it or not, something bothered me. Where was my tolerance for boneheads like this? Was I not feeding the racist stereotype by judging this fellow based on appearances? Yes I was. Yes I am. He could be a choir boy now who was unfortunate to have been led astray earlier in his life. He could be full of remorse now. A reformed and now tolerant skinhead. So I will make no assumptions about this fellow specifically, just the signs he so carelessly tattooed on his noggin. That alone makes him the dumbest white boy on the planet.
Well from first impression I'd say he isn't the brightest bulb in the bunch, but then I'm one to investigate people further. You know, find out what their story is and what they are about.
On further investigation I find that this guy was wanted by police and caught two days after this photo was released. You think maybe the orange shirt and police height markings in the bacground were a give away? And on going to the site even the rightwingers make fun of the IQ of this guy.
Now if you'll forgive me I need to wash my clothes and flush my eyes with bleach after visiting the right wing site.
I have seen reports that most of these kids are kind of "poor things", who have no direction.
The groups recruit and teach these kids thier ways.
Because they have usually had no adult direction, they fall into the traps of the racist and are taught to continue the hatred.
They are pretty much our version of the kid with the bomb strapped to thier body, and I really think we will see quite a bit of them over the next couple of years. Timothy McVeigs are in vogue again.
How'd I find this guy? I went to Google images and typed in 'skin head'. His was the first image to come up linked to rightwingnews.
Great post! And so true. As far as your afterthought is concerned....you're judging him by his HATE and not so much by his silly looks, because this same kid could have talked to you on the street and you wouldn't have judged him, but if he did something racial while you were standing there with him, then you would have.
Racism pisses me off, but I've learned over the last 8 years, that those who are racist (or who go after ANY group, such as the Muslims by lumping them all into a class of 'terrorists' etc.), are the ones who haven't matured at all. They'll never mature either. Sad, but true.
Actually, I just realized you hadn't actually linked to why he was in jail. Oh boy. Now I'm being judgmental of this guy and thinking he's a racist without a stitch of evidence to prove it!
Man. This sucks. I'm a little embarrassed now. I missed the whole point of your post. What a dumbass! LOL
It underscores that no matter how far we think we have come, white people have some serious racial flotsam to rid ourselves of.
It appears so, meaning that they would have also hated Jesus being as it's highly unlikely that he was all that white.
Afterthought - This post has been simmering for a week or so now. Hanging out in Draft limbo. Each time I re-read it and considered whether I should post it or not, something bothered me.
There is no good way to write a post like this, you just do the best you can and toss it out there into the community.
Maybe you should look at it in another way. "I’m not judging, I’m opinionating."
Definitely not the sharpest tack in the box. The problem comes from most of those jokers not looking like that.
A few years back, we had a minor rash of cracker assholes slapping "National Alliance" stickers in a few books here at work. Quite comical when the PO Box was in my town. Yokel might have been my goddamn neighbor.
It hurts my head to look at that photo... Whether the guy is a hate-filled racist or not, I see that and I think of a life wasted. I also wonder what kind of story the guy has to tell, how he got where he is today, why he went that route. I'm not sure I am as brave as Demeur in doing any investigating, though... and I shudder to think of all the others like him living among us.
This is sad stuff.
"I don't want to be considered anything but the enemy by this guy."
Well said.
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