Saturday, September 14, 2024

When I Was Young

I am not the awesome physical specimen I was fifty plus years ago. I know that. Yet occasionally, my mind tries to trick me into believing I have a chance of recapturing that chiseled and ripped body I so briefly packed when I thought I would live forever.

Yeah, the reality of the me of today flies in the face of the me I sometimes still conjure up in my mind. I will never again play lacrosse at the college level, win another swimming championship, or play on a state champion softball team. And picking up a bike again is questionable now.

That I am even still here and upright after so many years of taking my body for granted is more a testament to luck and possibly some solid DNA than any conscious effort on my part to maintain the temple I was gifted at birth.

Hindsight being 20/20 and all, I realized in my thirties that the bad habits I picked up in my teenage years would probably demand some kind of retribution once I hit my old fart years. So, instead of listening to my early warning system, I forgot the alert, resumed my merry way, and continued to occasionally ingest all the tasty ugliness that tempted me, day in and day out. 

Now here I am pissin and moanin about what once was and what will probably never be again. Yeah, I have begun to fight back, but at this point, the effort is token at best. It is a mind over matter game now and I was never very good at that. Hell, it took me over 50 years of smoking before I was able to find the will to successfully quit.

Funny, the opening sentence I came up with while walking with Maggie in the woods did not turn into where I thought that sentence would take this post.  What I had originally envisioned for this post is not even close to the result I am reading now.  A best laid plan became a go with the flow result of an unintended ending. 

And so concludes another communication from the void I charitably call my mind.

Keep it 'tween the ditches .....................................................


Since I had no idea or thought concerning a musical choice for this post, I will continue to rely on my tried and true go with the flow style. ........... This could take awhile.

Damn. It only took a few tokes and a brief visit to YouTube to find the perfect song. Here is Eric Burdon and the Animals with their excellent tune, "When I was Young".


peppylady (Dora) said...

DNA sure isn't fair to any of us.

The Blog Fodder said...

I'm 77, look 60, with no grey hair and fat people dont get wrinkles. My body os not fooled. I still look at pretty girls but cant remember why. Neuropathy in bother legs, arthritis in both knees, cataracts in both eyes and deaf as a post. Hearing aids are helping and surgery will help knees and eyes. But I can still walk my Germnan Shepherd every day. And annoy people on the internet