Monday, December 27, 2021

Another Free Thinker

Made the mistake of stopping for just two minutes in front of the TV this morning as I prepared the morning pet repast. I heard the most recent failed Winger slogan, "Lets go Brandon". I always get a chuckle when the Winger chuckle heads come out with what they consider another Libtard owning idea, saying, or incredibly stupid crazier than any before conspiracy theory. 

I know in the scheme of Winger nonsense, "Let's go Brandon" doesn't even ring a bell. It is a wink, wink, nod, nod smile, gotcha slogan that only has wings flying around in the local internet cesspools where the self inflicted stupidity of the Winger homelands is obsessed over. 

I had forgotten about it until Joe and Jill Biden's Merry Christmas call with an Oregon father of four went viral.  Pleasantries and good tidings were exchanged between the Bidens and Jared Schmeck. Before they both signed off, Jared blurted, "Let's go Branden".

Of course the tight asses among the elite of the Left got huffy and righteously indignant. Many mounted their high horses. Meanwhile, the slack jawed coalition of the Right laughed uproariously. Everyone it appears got something out of it. What caught my attention though was the follow up to this interaction.

Jared decided he needed to clarify his remarks . He felt they had been taken the wrong way. Insisting he meant no disrespect, he followed with this:

    "Schmeck said he’s not a “Trumper,” but described himself as “free-thinking             American and follower of Jesus Christ.”   

The contradiction in his assertion caught me and I immediately thought that following Christ meant one had given up their ability to freely think. I know that the Thumpers and Trumpers will contend I am wrong and they are free to think that. But this incongruity does not jibe with my understanding of the term "Free Thinking". Apparently Jared Schmeck's notion of free thinking does not mesh well with it either. At least three well regarded internet dictionaries have this to say:

  • a person who forms opinions on the basis of reason, independent of authority or tradition, especially a person whose religious opinions differ from established belief.
  • Merriam-Webstera person who thinks freely or independently : one who forms opinions on the basis of reason independently of authority; Especially one who rejects or is skeptical of religious dogma
  • Cambridge Dictionary - forming your own opinions and beliefs, especially about religion or politics, rather than just accepting what is officially, or commonly believed and taught 

I have tried to find some way to include "free thinking" with religious belief. At best all I can come with for the free thinkers who rely on religious dogma to frame their life, is they might be called "semi-free thinkers".  And it would only apply to those who follow the spirit of the Bible or Quran and not the hard core literal translations. 

In my opinion, free thinkers generally do not fit well into the boxes religion nails around them. I know from my own struggles as a kid before I tossed organized religion out of my life, the narrow path set out by religion for me to follow did not allow me the freedom to consider that all things are possible not just that which is laid down in a book written by folks who are more interested in controlling me than setting me free.

Later .............................................


Today's musical interlude  - Fat Bottomed Girls - Queen.  After all, the World is nothing without them.


Nancy Ruma said...

Nice one, Mike! I enjoy reading your blog.

Nan said...

So how does using a right wing code phrase for Fuck Joe Biden mesh with Christianity? The dude is a textbook example -- or maybe examples -- of cognitive dissonance.

The Blog Fodder said...

A free thinker and a conspiracy believer too?

peppylady (Dora) said...

Had to look up what the statement "Go Brandon" well one of our local restaurant has a sign right out in front "Go Brandon" and all there staff wears "Go Brandon' shirts.
Well I made post about people putting there children in political or issue t shirt over on facebook.
I wonder if I raised a flag with "Fuck Trump"
I guess it would make different where I did it. I wouldn't do it in North Idaho.
Coffee is on and stay safe

yellowdoggranny said...

I have yet to meet a republican free thinker..hahah.
ydg is now working out of my old blog west bygoddess texas..renamed yellowdog granny. old ydg is supposed to be a spam blog..I'm figuring when they figure it out it will be back and running..but who knows these days..people ain't there..