They will stay in bloom for a month at the least. They are the super bee magnets in the neighborhood. I love standing close while hundreds of bees of varying sizes and temperaments busily do their bee thing. So intent on scoring some of the wonderful nectar, my presence is ignored.
They are very rugged bushes. Anything that survives roadside here has to be rugged. Snowplows will push them back and pile up to 15 feet of hard packed snow banking on them before Spring thaw sets in. They laugh at my puny efforts to keep them under control. But then I hesitate to prune because I love the flowers too much. I'll take out the occasional dead branch or infiltrator that blocks my lawn mower from it's appointed rounds. But for the most part I leave these plants alone.
They are natural stars in my yard of winners and losers. They grow slow. They are resilient to the point I think they may be unkillable. They look great and smell good too. Some of my other plants and bushes could take some lessons from them.
But no, most of the greenery in my yard works hard to make my life miserable. It either grows too fast, spreads where I don't want it too, dies when I don't want it too, or refuses to die when I want it too. A well behaved plant that takes pride in it's appearance is a rarity here on Sam Page Road. I have a yard full of slobs.
Yeah, yeah yeah. A yard is a reflection of the owner. Blah, blah blah. My only excuse is there are way more of them than of me. David and Goliath. Custer's Last Stand. A puny human with pruners clutched in his hand, surrounded by savages painted up in green war paint. With no one at his back, they sneak up from behind and fling their seeds or roots at me. With no back up, it is a war I am losing. The best I can hope for year after year is an armistice, cease fire, stalemate.
So here is my question. My request for information. What the Hell is this plant's name? My father I think, planted them back in the 1960s. They may be older. I have asked locals who stop by but every answer is different. I made a token effort of finding them in several of the many yard and garden books my father collected. I would find something close, but never any plant that fit perfectly. So, if any of you know what it is, drop a comment.
I think it's a kind of lilac, but I kill houseplants, so I may not be the best person to ask. ;)
looks like Lilac to me, but---always thought lilacs were more of a blue color, but FLASH, I just check with the LP, who spent 20 years working in a large floral/gift shop in Pasadena and he quickly said it was Lilacs---so now then, mystery is solved. Nice pic by the way.
As I have said, this plant has had many people comment on it. It is not the traditional Lilac we are used to up here. The clusters of buds are way smaller. The woody part of the plant is way different. The leaves don't even look close. And the smell of the flowers is not even close. I have other Lilacs in the yard.
That said, I guess it is possible it is a type of Lilac, but I wonder. Maybe some hybrid or lilac from another planet or alter Universe.
That's a beautiful plant! And I can only HOPE that a person's yard isn't an indicator of anything profound, because my yard kinda sucks.
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