Okay.............................. Five years ago I had one lonely bottle of good sour mash aging in the cool depths of the lower cabinet in the front of the kitchen. A quart of Rebel Yell I had purchased sometime back in the late 1980s. It sat there, dust accumulating on it's horizontal surfaces thick enough to hide the amber gold trapped within its glass walls.
Fast forward through and past the celebrations of the next millennium. Zoom past the anger and pain of 9/11 and sometime around 2009 I found that bottle of Rebel Yell cooling its heels in the dark depths of the lower cabinet in the front of the kitchen ........ .................................. I had not allowed Demon Rum to pass my lips in at least 15 years, maybe 20........ Shit I dunno, it was a long time.
I pulled that bottle of Rebel Yell out of the lower cabinet in the front of the kitchen. Tried to blow the dust off, but it laughed at me. " Bud, get an ice scraper fool, we be chillin long time."
So I got a rag, wet it down and wiped the dust off that quart of Rebel Yell, marveling at my good fortune, and savoring this gift from my well checkered past.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Another Day on the Planet

Two of my all time favorite Hollywood folks passed. I fell in love with Lauren when I was a wee tacker. It took "Good Morning Viet Nam" to show me the wacky brilliance that existed in Robin's mind............ I will miss them, but not their work. It is forever captured on film for all of us to enjoy............ R.I.P. Robin and Lauren.
Which brings me to "the Black Dog" as Winston Churchill called his episodes of Depression. I suffer from Depression also. It did not come on until I was fifty or so. I refuse to ingest the chemical fixes pushed by the Healthcare
What I cannot control are the reactions to my depression from the folks I interact with on a daily basis. There is little sympathy or understanding. Most if not all go automatic and tell me I need to see a doctor............ Fuck that. I believe it was medicine I was prescribed in 2001 that turned mild depression into the nasty Hell I fall into now. They can take their medicine and shove it ............. Americans place too much confidence in the AMA and their masters, the pharmaceutical industry. I have had much better luck self prescribing.
Sunday, August 03, 2014
My Grounded Brother
It seems the noise from the Right is no longer focusing on specific issues they feel Obama has blown, screwed up, mismanaged, or just exhibited treasonous behavior sacrificing all that is near and dear to our collective hearts. Apparently the rally, get em fired up dribble from the leadership of the Right, and not so bright boot-lickers of the GOP and their new masters, the Teabagging wackoes who work for the Koch Machine is now aimed at Impeachment. They figure no matter what he has done or not done, whatever it is, it is probably an impeachable offense. That traitor has been illegally residing in our nations most sacred house these past seven years or so and playing us for fools and pissing all over our sacred Constitution. The man is the most useless and evil President we have ever had.
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