One hundred thousand stand next to and on top of ten foot snow banks to watch their heroes as they float by in duck boats in the bitter cold. Many stand with their backs to this parade holding up their smartphones hoping to capture a selfie of them with one of their heroes as they pass by. Immediate download to Facebook is imperative so their FB circle knows just how hip they are in this moment.
The parade is over now. Thousands of spectators climb aboard the T and other mass transit conveyances to be deposited in the various communities that crowd the Boston city limits. Though they have come down to Bolyston Square with other friends, once on the T, no interactions or conversations take place in their group as they sit hunched over their electronic devices, tweeting, texting and checking apps for what is trending that was not trending an hour ago. The train car is eerily silent except the occasional "Damn" or "Shit" when a signal is lost or a battery dies.
The Land of instant gratification has now been successfully attached at the hip with the Land of instant communication. Instead of reading something of importance, talking about something of importance, or just looking out the window reflecting on something of importance, these folks now take their Life cues from electronic strangers who are trapped in the same mindset as they are. What was once just trivial and beside the point runs their lives.
And a new circle of life is created. ........ that is until a new app comes along.
And somehow we call this Progress.
Later ................................
Image from SFGate
I see it all the time: people are alone together.
the Ol'Buzzard
Ol'Buzzard - And while they are alone together, collectively they allow themselves to be screwed.
Ready for more snow?
What is with the obsession for "selfies"? I see this so often. People go on holidays and instead of taking pictures of the sights, take pictures of themselves. Two of my FB friends post about 1 selfie a day for no apparent reason.
Back in the '90s when I spent a lot of time with Chinese delegations, they were always taking pictures of themsleves and were puzzled when I didn't want my picture taken in front of some monument or other.
Must be part of the self absorbed "I'm so cool" self absorbed movement. I know my ugly mug in a beautiful over look at sunset Kodak moment would only spoil the shot for me later.
When I see a couple in a pub or restaurant who are both obviously texting, I can't help wondering to whom those texts are directed.
Fucking rain.
amidnightrider - I don't wonder. I just think it is sad they are missing out on face to face conversation.
BBC - Fuckin Snow. But all things being equal, I'll take the snow. If I were you, I'd keep a canoe strapped to the roof of your camper.
There's a movie called Men, Women and Children (it's on our Netflix queue) that's supposed to show how the more wired and connected (electronically) we all are, the more disconnected and alone we really are. Then again, who needs to learn this from a movie when you can see this exact syndrome all around you in real life.
At social hour at the bar half those monkeys are obsessed with their smart phones. They may as well stay home.
Tom Harper - When I see everyone slumped over a smartphone, I imagine a family back in the 1950s doing the same thing. Only Dad's hiding behind the newspaper, Mom is facing the sink looking busy, and Junior is reading the back of a cereal box. I guess we have always found safe distractions from having to face one another and actually carry on a conversation.
BBC - Fuckin Snow. No problme staying home here right now.
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